Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Business Plan

Ben Worsley
Published in
10 min readJun 30, 2023

Crafting a business plan is a delicate balancing act. It demands a deep understanding of your market, a clear value proposition, realistic financial projections, a competent team, and the flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances.

All too frequently, an entrepreneur or business owner may lean on a business plan template or outsourced freelancer, bypassing the essential strategic work that needs to go behind it. This often results in a business plan that is generic and lacks the specific details and insights that make the business unique.

Remember, a good business plan is not just a document; it’s a reflection of your business idea and strategy. It’s an opportunity to delve deep into your business idea, understand your market, define your value proposition, and plan for your business’s future.

So, whether you’re a first-time entrepreneur with a new business idea or a small business owner looking to expand, here are some common mistakes made during the business planning process.

Insufficient Market Research

Market research is the foundation of business planning. It’s the key to unlocking a profound understanding of your target audience, offering invaluable insights that can steer your business decisions. Without comprehensive market research, you risk basing your strategies on assumptions about your customers’ needs and preferences, a misstep that can lead to expensive errors and overlooked opportunities.

In the rapidly evolving business landscape, the freshness of your data is paramount. Markets are in a constant state of flux, and data that was accurate a year ago may not hold true today. This is particularly relevant in the wake of the recent pandemic, which has caused seismic shifts across every industry.

Therefore, it’s crucial to not only use the most recent data but also understand the context behind the numbers. This involves analyzing the data in relation to your business goals, industry trends, and market dynamics. It’s about asking the right questions: What do these numbers mean for your business? How do they impact your target audience? What opportunities do they present, and what challenges do they pose?

The real value of market research lies in your ability to interpret the data, identify gaps and opportunities, and apply these insights to your business strategy. It’s about turning raw data into actionable intelligence that can inform your business decisions.

There’s a wide array of tools at your disposal for conducting market research, from free resources to premium platforms. Government resources such as the U.S. Census Bureau can offer a wealth of insights into consumer behavior and market trends. However, for more granular and industry-specific data, you might need to turn to premium sources like IBISWorld or paid industry reports.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a potent tool for market research. However, it’s important to exercise caution when using AI for data collection. Even advanced AI tools like ChatGPT-4, with the aid of browser plugins, can sometimes provide inaccurate data. Therefore, always cross-verify the sources and accuracy of the data obtained from AI. Remember, a single oversight in your market research can undermine the credibility of your entire business plan.

Where AI truly shines is in its ability to analyze vast amounts of data swiftly and accurately, revealing patterns and trends that might be challenging to discern manually.

Beyond online research, don’t underestimate the power of direct interaction with potential customers. Conducting surveys or simply engaging in conversations can offer firsthand insights into your customers’ needs and preferences, often revealing valuable information that isn’t readily available in online data.

Ignoring Your Target Customer

Your target audience is the lifeblood of your business. They are the people who will use your product or service, advocate for your brand, and ultimately drive your revenue. Therefore, it’s crucial to understand who they are, what they need, and what they value.

Start by creating customer personas. These are detailed profiles of your ideal customers, including demographic information, interests, pain points, and buying behavior. This will help you understand your customers’ needs and preferences, allowing you to tailor your business plan to meet these needs.

However, understanding your customer is only half the battle. The other half is communicating how your product or service meets their needs and adds value to their lives. This is where understanding your unique value proposition comes into play.

Your value proposition is what sets you apart from your competitors and persuades customers to choose your product or service. Highlight the unique benefits that you offer, such as superior quality, convenience, or affordability. Use clear, concise language that resonates with your target audience. Your value proposition should be the cornerstone of all your marketing efforts, from your website copy to your social media posts.

Neglecting Competitive Analysis

In the realm of business, being unaware of your competitors is a recipe for disaster. Overlooking your competitors can leave you unprepared and unable to counter their strategies effectively. As such, a comprehensive competitive analysis should be a fundamental part of your business plan.

Begin by pinpointing your primary competitors. Scrutinize their products or services, pricing strategies, marketing approaches, and customer feedback. This analysis will help you comprehend their strengths and weaknesses, and identify opportunities for differentiation.

Digital tools can be a great help in this regard. For instance, you can use AI tools like ChatGPT-4 to analyze a competitor’s website and summarize its products, services, and unique value proposition. This can give you a clear idea of how your competitors position themselves in the market.

Next, delve into what customers are saying about your competitors. Online reviews on platforms like Yelp! or Google Reviews can provide invaluable insights into what customers like and dislike about your competitors’ offerings. This can help you identify gaps in their products or services that you can fill.

If the competitor has a brick-and-mortar location, pay it a visit. Use your powers of observation and take note of their customer service, the arrangement of their store, their product presentations, and any other aspects that could provide insights into their operations. If your business offers a service, consider reaching out to competitors as a potential customer. This can provide valuable information about their pricing structure and sales approach.

Numerous entrepreneurs succumb to the misconception that they have no competitors because their idea is genuinely innovative. Even if your offering is revolutionary, your potential customers are currently allocating their resources elsewhere. This concept aligns with the “Jobs to Be Done” theory, which posits that customers “hire” products or services to perform specific “jobs” or fulfill certain needs. Therefore, you’re competing with whatever your potential customers are currently “hiring” to do the job your product or service aims to do, whether it’s a similar product, a different solution to the same problem, or even an entirely different product that accomplishes the same job. These constitute your indirect competitors, and comprehending them is just as vital as understanding your direct competitors.

By meticulously examining your direct and indirect competitors, you can start to identify areas where you can distinguish yourself. Your competitive edge lies in the unique traits or abilities that make your business outshine others in your market. This advantage could be derived from your groundbreaking technology, exclusive processes, exceptional team, or a strong brand reputation.

To convey your competitive advantage, your business plan must express how you plan to capitalize on it. This could involve showcasing your innovative technology, underscoring your team’s expertise, or demonstrating your brand’s solid reputation. Remember, business is a competition, and your goal is to win by convincing customers to choose you over your competitors.

Forgetting The Goal

Different stakeholders have different expectations and requirements from a business plan. For instance, a bank looking at your business plan for a loan application will have different criteria than a potential investor considering an equity investment.

A bank is primarily concerned with your ability to repay the loan. They will focus on your financial projections, cash flow, and collateral. They want to see that your business is stable and has a reliable source of income to service the debt. Therefore, when writing a business plan for a bank, you should emphasize your financial stability and risk management strategies.

On the other hand, an investor is looking for growth potential and a return on their investment. They are interested in your business model, market opportunity, competitive advantage, and exit strategy. They want to see that your business has the potential to scale and deliver a significant return. Therefore, when writing a business plan for an investor, you should highlight your growth strategy and potential return on investment.

Your internal strategic plan, however, serves a different purpose. It’s a tool for setting your business goals, defining your strategies for achieving them, and identifying metrics for measuring your progress. It’s more detailed and operational than a business plan for external stakeholders. It includes specific tasks, responsibilities, and timelines. Therefore, when writing an internal strategic plan, you should focus on your operational plans and key performance indicators (KPIs).

The language and tone of your business plan should also be adapted to your audience. A business plan intended for a bank or potential investors should be formally written and highly professional, while an internal strategic plan can be more straightforward, using bullet points and an iterative approach that allows for adjustments as needed.

Finally, consider how you’ll present your business plan. Banks may not require a highly visual presentation and might prefer a more traditional, text-heavy document. Investors, on the other hand, value more impact, such as a pitch deck or a well-designed executive summary that can help them quickly understand your business model and growth potential.

Being Unrealistic About Your Financial Projections

When it comes to financial projections, achieving a balance between optimism and realism is key. It’s crucial to demonstrate to investors that your business has the potential for success, but it’s equally important to show that you have a clear understanding of the market and your financials. Overly optimistic projections can raise red flags for investors, leading them to question your financial management skills and decision-making abilities. Conversely, overly conservative projections may make your business appear less appealing and unlikely to yield substantial returns.

Thorough research, market trend analysis, and expert consultation are crucial to creating realistic and achievable financial projections that align with your business goals. By doing so, you gain confidence from lenders and investors and increase the likelihood of securing funding for your business.

To estimate your revenue, consider factors like your pricing strategy, sales volume, and market size. It’s important to be conservative in your estimates and consider a sensitivity analysis with best-case and worst-case scenarios.

When forecasting your revenue, consider whether to a bottom-up or a top-down approach. A bottom-up approach starts with the unit sales (like a single product sale) and scales up, while a top-down approach starts with the total market size and estimates what portion of that market you can capture. Both approaches have their merits and can provide valuable insights when used together.

Fixed expenses, such as rent and salaries, remain constant regardless of your business activity, while variable costs, like raw materials and shipping, fluctuate depending on your business activity. By accurately estimating your revenue and expenses, you can create a realistic budget that helps you avoid financial pitfalls.

Don’t stop with just the financial forecast, because that alone is only part of your financial health. Your cash flow projection should include your expected cash inflows from sales and other sources, and your expected cash outflows for expenses and investments. This will help you anticipate periods of negative cash flow and plan for contingencies.

In your financial planning, be sure to assess the company’s break-even point, which is when your total revenue equals your total costs, and demonstrates the point at which your business becomes profitable.

Neglecting the Importance of Your Team

Your team members are more than just employees; they are the catalysts propelling your business’s growth and development. When investors, lenders, and other stakeholders scrutinize your business plan, they are looking for a team that is not only skilled and experienced but also cohesive and committed.

Begin by introducing each key team member. Include their name, role, and a brief biography that highlights their relevant skills and experience. The qualifications of your team should extend beyond their educational background and work history. Emphasize their unique “soft skills” and other talents that make them indispensable to your business. Consider their history of success and how their past experiences can contribute to the growth of your business.

Moreover, the cohesion of your team is equally significant. Illustrate how your team members’ skills complement each other and how they work collectively to achieve your business goals.

If you haven’t assembled your team yet, discuss your plans for recruitment and training. Outline the qualities and skills you’re looking for in potential team members, and explain how you plan to attract and retain top talent. Discuss your strategies for fostering a positive and productive work environment, and how you plan to train your team to ensure they have the skills and knowledge needed to succeed.

Thinking Your Business Plan is Done

Your business plan is a dynamic document that should mirror your evolving business reality and market conditions. It’s not a one-off task, but an ongoing process that demands regular review and revision.

To ensure your business plan remains pertinent and effective, it should be reviewed and updated regularly. Establish a review schedule, such as quarterly or annually, and adhere to it. During each review, evaluate your progress towards your goals, identify any shifts in your market or industry, and adjust your strategies accordingly.

Market trends fluctuate, new technologies surface (looking at you AI), and customer preferences change. Keep your finger on the pulse of market trends and disruptions, and be prepared to seize new opportunities as they emerge. This could involve embracing new technologies, penetrating new markets, or pivoting your product or service. By being proactive and adaptable, you can convert market changes and opportunities into a competitive edge.

If your current strategy isn’t working, or if new opportunities arise, your business plan should guide you in knowing how and when you need to pivot. This might involve changing your target market, adjusting your product or service, or adopting a new business model. By being flexible and responsive, you can ensure your business remains competitive and resilient in the face of change.

By steering clear of these common mistakes, you can craft a business plan that is comprehensive, compelling, and convincing to your stakeholders. A well-constructed business plan not only aids in attracting funding and customers but also serves as a roadmap for your business’s success. Invest the time to do it right, and your business will reap the rewards.

Originally published at

Masterplans develops professional business plans and pitch decks for bank and SBA loans, angel and venture capital investment, and immigration petitions.

