What is Masters of Craft?

Masters Of Craft
Published in
2 min readNov 26, 2020

Let’s take a trip back in time. It’s in 2019. Times are better than they are now — no pandemic. People are in the office. Desks, walls, cubicles, random chit chat sounds all around. Ah, such a familiar and incredible feeling, like smelling roses by the cornerstone.

I know you miss it. I do too. It was incredible to be surrounded by people. Being able to laugh and joke with colleagues. High-fiving each other over small wins. Grabbing a fresh-brewed coffee and chatting with another only 1ft away. It’s amazing to remember that feeling. It’s also funny how life changes and evolves in just one year.

I started writing this blog last year with the determination of wanting to share stories of people like me. Brown people. Women. Asians. Immigrants. People of color.

I started with great momentum, interviewed a bunch of senior leaders in positions at big companies. But I never took it anywhere — why? Well, imposter syndrome kicked in. The voices that tell you “you aren’t good enough” blasted every day when I thought about Masters of Craft. It’s terrible to have so much anxiety. And no it’s not normal to feel this.

It’s exactly a year from this idea, that I think maybe now is the right time to launch this blog. For you. For me. For the sanity of the future. Maybe these small stories inspire you — to be a better you. To be a better person of color that is a catalyst for change. I know we as a collective can do it.

So join me on this journey of highlighting stories of professionals that are leading the industry AND are people of color. Learn about how people got started in their careers, and how to navigate work environments that maybe aren’t so nice to POC. Read about diversity, inclusion, and equity from real people of color. Engage, understand, and share what you learn in the changing world.

It’s Time for People of Color to Shine.

Subscribe now for more stories to come ahead dear friend. If you do have any requests or want to contribute to this publication, please email hello@mastersofcraft.com

Thank you, friend!



Masters Of Craft

Female Tech Founder. Fail fast, fail forward #lifemotto