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Why does Reddit rank above credible & authoritative sites?

Google’s John Muller explains why! (there’s a lot to read in between the lines)

Shubham Davey
Masters of SEO
Published in
5 min readJul 23, 2024


The recent Google algorithm updates and the subsequent Google-Reddit partnership have significantly impacted the search engine results pages (SERPs), causing a stir in the SEO community.

Here’s an overview of the whole situation:

Algorithm Updates and Reddit’s Rise in SERPs

In late 2023 and early 2024, Google rolled out several algorithm updates that dramatically increased the visibility of Reddit posts in search results.

Many SEO professionals and website owners noticed a surge in Reddit content ranking for various queries, often outperforming traditional authoritative sources.

This shift was particularly noticeable, especially in Feb’24, when Reddit showed up 97.5% of the time in Google Search product review queries.

And the data shows.

  • 81% of ‘informational’ local searches generated Reddit results
  • 16% of ‘transactional’ local searches included Reddit results

