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You’re not leveraging alternative traffic sources

Three untapped traffic sources nobody is talking about

Shubham Davey
Masters of SEO
Published in
5 min readJul 14, 2024


The problem with organic marketing is it takes time. Even the simplest of campaigns don’t get any attention.

It’s not that you’re wrong. It’s just that several creators are competing to gain your audience’s attention.

With turmoil in search algorithms and tug of war for AI-powered SERPs, it’s risky to rely only on traffic from search engines.

For those who already have decent traffic from search engines, it’s time to diversify, and for those who don’t have any, it's time to focus on building both from scratch.

Diversifying traffic provides stability to your business and helps you reach a newer audience.

How long does it typically take to see significant growth in blog traffic?

The time it typically takes to see significant growth in blog traffic can vary widely, but most sources indicate it generally takes several months to a year or more to see substantial results.

Blog traffic growth is rarely immediate or linear. It often follows a pattern of slow…

