If you can’t beat it, join it

Masters' Union
Masters’ Union Review
2 min readJan 8, 2022

Why do management professionals need the ‘tech’ advantage?

With a landscape that’s increasingly relying on digitization and transferring massive amounts of data between servers, it’s high time that management professionals immerse themselves in the ocean of technology.

With McKinsey & Company’s latest survey on the state of artificial intelligence in 2021, we see the growing importance and adoption of using AI as a tool in businesses. With adoption increasing by 6% as compared to the 2020 survey, we notice that the adoption rate is driven by and is highest in Indian companies.

With massive amounts of data collected by every company, we see that the principal use cases for AI in business included the optimization of aspects like marketing budgets, allocations and spending effectiveness. Functions that lie at the core of any management professional’s key performance indicators.

There also exists the ability to generate cost savings in every business function, as seen in the reported 5% increase in EBIT earnings compared to 2020. With 66% of companies that were surveyed wanting to increase investments in AI over the next three years, we see a clear need for anyone planning to take up leadership positions to be skilled with technology.

Masters’ Union’s curriculum takes care of this conundrum. With a workshop-led academic pedagogy and a curriculum at the intersection of management and technology, we see engineers transforming into complete management professionals while also witnessing non-engineers gain an increasing command over technology and related tools.

With record-breaking outcomes for our students, Masters’ Union stands out as an institution that had identified the need for integrating business and technology early on and produces leaders for the contemporary workforce, balanced at the intersection of business and technology.

If you’re keen on being a part of our upcoming cohort, we encourage you to register and complete your application on our website.

