Why “The Wolf of Wall Street” is a tsunami of craziness and why you should revisit it again?

DiCaprio holds the mike and roars “There’s no nobility in poverty. I’ve been a poor man, and I’ve been a rich man. And I choose rich every fucking time.”

Look at the intensity. These are not just words. This is a preparation. They give us a peek into the mind of a man whose is already a Rockstar having unlimited fun and still couldn’t get enough of it. These wall-street men had a lot of fun. I mean a lot. The fun moments in the movie are not just for the sake of an entertainment. We are shown what happened.

As far as the actual story is concerned, well there is no story as such. We are presented with dramatized information. These people are telephone fucking terrorists. White collared degenerates who are not ashamed of it. Characters addicted to drugs, sex and money. People won’t die sober. And yet, not even once Scorsese is letting you get judgemental about the characters. That is how authentic and powerful the screenplay is.

Scorsese has this sublime talent of taking complex & bad characters and adding humor to their dark side. The way he shows the ugliness of criminals is very enticing. And it works well on the viewers. By nature, humans in their most ludicrous way are very very funny. Even the bad ones.

In a scene that comes right after Leo hires Jonah Hill, Leo asks Jonah what he would do if he had retarded children. Jonah’s exact response is “Well, basically, you know, if the kid was retarded I would… I would, you know, drive it up to the country and just like, you know, open the door and let it… say “You’re free now!” You know? Like, “Run free!” You know?”

Then there is a silence. No one talks for a second or two. Look at how Scorsese uses silence to give us a sense of humor. After two seconds of silence, we burst into laughter along with the characters. Jonah has nailed the character. You wouldn’t have seen him this crazy in any movie or what so ever. I wonder if he studied Joe Pesci for this.

No one needs to talk about Leo. That Lemmon Quaalude sequence of him crawling from the phone to his car is alone worth watching this multiple times.

It is a modern day Caligula with a motherload of an insane level of hilarity. Go watch it and start this year with a bang.

