Toastmasters: Prepared Speech — Rocky (Rap Song)

Sai Dilip
MasterySpeak: A Toastmasters Journey
3 min readMar 22, 2023
Photo by dole777 on Unsplash

I came by this blog post this other day about speaking styles in Toastmasters. Author Vishnu Moulish has written that “Toastmasters ain’t about speaking and spitting words/quotes/rhymes. The world wants to witness speakers with style, not just speakers with eccentric words from the dictionary. “

I took that as a challenge and wrote a rap song about my dog to show that hip pop can potentially can elevate one’s speaking style.

The Rap about my dog goes like this…

Its been a long time coming,

came into this life like a king,

like a king

the kind that treats everyone the same,

but haters don’t learn dat.

When they talk about being loyal,

they forget you exist, period,

you a different kind, in our mind

You are a protector,

let your voice be heard and

let them know your place

them dogs won’t like dat


you are part of family,

we walk to keep us healthy,

so lengthy,

it helps when my brain goes hazy

I felt it when you were concerned,

for everyone around you

like a friend

that would defend, when things go crazy

you deserve all there is for the way you treat me, Rocky

My dog has enchanted me in so many ways, and there are a plethora of things that I learned from my dog.

  • Aware & Protection — He is very aware of the things that are around him and always needs to protect himself and others close to him. Through therapy and meditation, I have been practicing being aware of my senses. In this distracted world, it's really easy to lose ourselves.
  • Love — Shows love not only when you need it but all the time.
  • Presence — Knowing that you have a friend that is always by your side with genuine love, makes a difference. I have been trying to hang out with many of my friends and getting more of that personal connection.
  • Mental Break — Rocky reminds me to take a break and go out for a walk — these mental breaks from work have been refreshing and are proving to be effective.

I would like to show you some pictures of rocky

Feedback Received

  • Most interesting speech
  • Combination of rap, speech, and pictures
  • Tone was great

