Toastmasters: Prepared Speech - Time

Sai Dilip
MasterySpeak: A Toastmasters Journey
3 min readMar 22, 2023
Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash


Fellow Toastmasters, What’s one way to have a lot of time?

Buy a couple of watches and wear them. You will have a lot of time on your hands!


Time, we can’t see time itself, we can't feel it, we can't hear it. We think about it every day. We use it to plan our days, time to wake up, appointments, and especially make time for this meeting. Time is this mysterious thing.


What do we know about time? If you were to ask yourself or others what time is. What do you think they will say? If Time is the most valuable thing one can have, do you think we all understand it enough to utilize it to its full potential?

What we know

We only know a few things about time. One of them is it goes in one direction which is forward. We also know that it goes faster in one spot than it moves in another spot. We haven’t proven that we can go back in time yet.

What others say [Following snippet is from — Alexander Bard]

What have philosophers and scientists been saying about it?

  1. Parmenides and Einstein believed time is an illusion = we have a past, and we perceive a present and a future.
  2. Plato says time is change. Change is occurring all the time, Every single moment, is a moment of change
  3. Darwin — came up with Evolution. Something that changes and evolves into completely different. That requires time to be real.
  4. “Bhor came along and says to Einstein you don't get the lesson on Quantum Physics. Because if time is an illusion everything is predetermined. That means that everything that ever happened was preprogrammed in the big bang. It wasn't. We had the big bang first, out of the big bang came physics, out of physics we got chemistry, and out of chemistry, we got biology. Out of biology, we got consciousness. none of these were preprogrammed in one another.”

Current day thinking

Come to the modern-day, here we are. Some of us are scrambling things to get done on time, stressing ourselves to make deadlines, worried about not getting married on time, and sometimes we drive fast to make it to an important meeting not knowing the consequences. Time, time, time.


There is a quote by Michael Altshuler → “The bad news is time flies. The good news is you are the pilot”. I really love this quote. Knowing that you are going to land your plane someday, make every moment up in the air feel like you are alive. Our time is finite on this earth. Thank you

Feedback Received

  • Was looking at the camera
  • “Loved how you opened the speech” — Attention grabber
  • Calm and composed
  • Well prepared
  • Content is good
  • Good hand gestures
  • Took pauses
  • Good eye contact
  • Good vocabulary
  • Ending the speech to call for action
  • Tied it all together nicely at the end

