The Marketing Matrix: Red Pill or Blue Pill?

Part One: Creating Digital Experiences People Care About

Doug Klein


To China, With Love

Since this is the first in a series of articles that introduces the concept of The Marketing Matrix, let me set this up for you. A few years ago a Chinese businessman reached out to me on his trip through the U.S. He was looking for ways to market his “Proudly Made in China” products on Amazon. I wouldn’t consider myself an Amazon sales expert, but I do know how to create marketing and messaging people care about.

After several meetings, he was inspired. But since he was selling a product and not creating much of a brand, he wanted assurances that what we were proposing would work. We showed him research and strategic briefs, but those alone didn’t convince him. We showed him creative ideas and mood boards, but those didn’t either. We modeled his media spend with expected acquisition, conversion and retention numbers, but showing possible numbers wasn’t enough without a guarantee of results-you know, that thing that marketers hate to hear from their clients more than anything.

He pushed us and I appreciate him for it. Because of him I was inspired to come up with a system to “prove” the efficacy of digital experiences we developed-I called it The Marketing Matrix. I…



Doug Klein

Marketing consultant. Startup mentor. Former Walt Disney Imagineer. Founder | Editor at @InKleinD