Submit to the Math Circular

Math Circle Network
Math Circular
Published in
2 min readJul 15, 2021

The Math Circular, published by the Math Circle Network, is a general-interest magazine for leaders and members of Math Circles and other math engagement programs for students, teachers, parents, and families. We strive to publish lively content that will inspire Math Circle programs mathematically, pedagogically, and organizationally.

We consider a variety of article types, including:

  • News and Views: Short updates and news from your Math Circle.
  • Activities: These articles give an overview of an activity and include ideas about how to facilitate it for one or more specific audiences while supporting exploration and discovery. Activity articles should focus on a topic that is accessible and engaging to a broad audience. Successful Activity submissions describe activities that have been tested out and refined multiple times.
  • Models and Practices: These articles describe innovative pedagogical practices that have been developed and/or tested by your Math Circle or allied program, or describe organizational models that are unique in some way or that combine multiple Math Circle-type programs.
  • Research Overviews: These articles provide non-technical overviews of new research relevant to Math Circles.

We encourage the use of pictures, diagrams, and other graphics. Authors may also provide supporting materials to post on our website at

Interested in submitting? Please send a cover email and draft link to Brianna Donaldson, Director of the Math Circle Network, at

