Proving Euclid’s Formula Using Basic Geometry

Discussing Integer Solutions to x²+y²=z²

Sundip Tailor
Math Simplified


Euclid’s Formula written on my whiteboard

Natural number (positive integer) solutions to the equation x²+y²=z² are called Pythagorean Triples.

Example: x=3, y=4, z=5 is a Pythagorean Triple which is typically written in the short form (3, 4, 5).

We can obtain a Pythagorean Triple by using Euclid’s Formula. This says that (x, y, z) is a Pythagorean Triple if and only if x=2mn, y=m²-n² and z=m²+n², for some integers m and n where m>n>0.

Example: m=5 and n=1 will generate the Pythagorean Triple (10,24,26).

The ‘if’ part is easily verified since x²+y²=(2mn)²+(m²-n²)²=(m²+n²)²=z².

The ‘only if’ part is not so straightforward. In a previous piece, we discussed two methods for deriving Euclid’s formula.

In this piece, we discuss a third method using geometry where we look at points on a circle.

Euclid’s Formula Using Basic Geometry

If we plot the graph x²+y²=1, we get the unit circle i.e. a circle with radius 1, whose origin is at (0,0):



Sundip Tailor
Math Simplified

Talking Pure Mathematics. Imperial College London graduate.