Comparing Complexity in Physics and Biology From a Math Perspective

Freedom Preetham
Mathematical Musings
6 min readAug 11, 2024

Over the weekend, I engaged in a discussion with postdoctoral math students about how to approach the inherent complexity in different disciplines, especially when comparing physics and biology, and how advanced mathematical concepts can be applied to these fields. (I will share the video if the alum makes it available)

This conversation revealed that the core of these disciplines, despite their different focuses, is deeply intertwined with mathematics. In this blog, I explore how mathematical tools are used to understand the complexities in physics and biology, and how these tools shape our understanding of both fields.

Abstraction and Tangibility

In theoretical physics, complexity often arises from the abstract and counter-intuitive mathematical structures that describe the universe’s most fundamental aspects. Quantum field theory (QFT), for instance, is a sophisticated framework that unifies quantum mechanics with special relativity. It represents particles as excitations in fields, which are described using Lagrangians — mathematical functions that encapsulate the dynamics of these fields through the principle of least action. The transition from classical to quantum fields involves replacing classical fields with operator-valued fields, leading to complex formulations where creation and annihilation operators play a central role. These operators are part of the canonical quantization process, transforming classical fields into operators acting on a Hilbert space, essential for calculating scattering amplitudes via Feynman diagrams.

The mathematical rigor required in QFT includes dealing with divergences in integrals over internal momenta, which are handled through renormalization techniques. Renormalization not only stabilizes these integrals but also leads to the development of the renormalization group theory — a framework with applications ranging from particle physics to the study of critical phenomena in condensed matter systems. This theory relies on advanced calculus, functional analysis, and group theory, making it a cornerstone of modern theoretical physics.

In contrast, the mathematical complexity in biology often stems from the need to model highly interconnected, non-linear systems. Take morphogenesis, for example — the process by which an organism develops its shape. Alan Turing’s reaction-diffusion model uses partial differential equations (PDEs) to describe how the concentrations of morphogens (chemical substances) spread and interact over time and space, leading to complex patterns. These PDEs often exhibit non-linear behavior, requiring advanced mathematical tools to analyze and predict the resulting biological structures.

Further advancements in modeling tissue growth incorporate principles from continuum mechanics and fluid dynamics. Here, the tissue is treated as a viscoelastic material, with mechanical properties described by tensors capturing stress-strain relationships. The models often involve solving coupled non-linear PDEs, such as the Navier-Stokes equations for fluid flow, integrated with equations governing chemical concentrations and cellular proliferation. Due to the complexity of these systems, numerical methods like finite element analysis become essential, demanding a strong foundation in numerical linear algebra and stability analysis.

Tensor Calculus and Stochastic Processes in Complex Systems

General relativity, one of the pillars of modern physics, exemplifies the deep mathematical rigor required to understand the universe. The Einstein field equations, which describe how matter and energy influence spacetime curvature, are non-linear partial differential equations involving tensors like the Ricci curvature tensor and the stress-energy tensor. Solving these equations for complex systems, such as rotating black holes, requires advanced techniques from differential geometry, including the study of Riemannian manifolds and tensor calculus. The development of solutions like the Kerr metric, which describes spacetime around a rotating mass, involves manipulating complex tensor equations and understanding their physical implications.

The study of gravitational waves, which are ripples in spacetime caused by massive objects accelerating, requires perturbative methods in general relativity. These methods involve linearizing the Einstein equations around a known solution and solving the resulting linear PDEs. This process is rooted in functional analysis and spectral theory, with applications in experiments like LIGO, where gravitational wave detection relies on advanced Fourier analysis and statistical signal processing.

In biology, the mathematical rigor often comes from dealing with stochastic processes. Gene regulatory networks, for example, must account for the inherent randomness in gene expression due to low molecule numbers involved in transcription and translation. Stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs) extend classical PDEs by incorporating noise terms, typically modeled as Wiener processes or Lévy flights, to capture this randomness.

The Fokker-Planck equation, which describes the time evolution of the probability density function for a stochastic system, is central to modeling such processes. However, the complexity of biological systems often requires more advanced stochastic processes, such as jump-diffusion models, which combine continuous dynamics with discrete events like gene activation. Solving these equations demands a deep understanding of stochastic calculus, including tools like Ito’s lemma and Girsanov’s theorem, and often involves computational techniques such as Monte Carlo simulations, stochastic finite element methods and AI based operator learning to explore the high-dimensional spaces these models inhabit.

Mathematical Integration in Synthetic Biology and Quantum Computing

The interdisciplinary nature of synthetic biology is a prime example of how advanced mathematical frameworks are integrated with biological principles. Designing synthetic gene circuits involves applying control theory, dynamical systems, and information theory. For instance, feedback control systems, commonly used in engineering, are adapted to maintain stability in synthetic circuits, ensuring consistent behavior in the face of biological variability. These systems are modeled using linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) and Lyapunov functions, requiring expertise in linear algebra and optimization theory.

Also, addressing noise in gene circuits involves stochastic control theory, where the challenge is to design controllers that can operate effectively despite inherent biological noise. This involves solving stochastic optimal control problems, often expressed as Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations — non-linear PDEs whose solutions provide the optimal control laws under uncertainty. These problems require advanced techniques from calculus of variations and dynamic programming, illustrating the deep mathematical integration needed in synthetic biology.

Quantum computing represents a similar confluence of disciplines, merging quantum mechanics with computer science and information theory. Quantum algorithms, such as Grover’s search algorithm and the Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT), leverage the principles of quantum superposition and entanglement to achieve computational advantages over classical algorithms. These algorithms are formulated using unitary operators acting on qubits, with the mathematical framework relying heavily on complex Hilbert spaces, operator theory, and spectral decomposition.

Implementing quantum algorithms on physical systems involves overcoming challenges like decoherence and quantum error correction. Quantum error correction codes, such as the surface code, are built on algebraic topology and group theory, encoding logical qubits into a larger number of physical qubits to protect against errors. The study of fault-tolerant quantum computing integrates concepts from tensor networks, stabilizer formalism, and error-correcting codes, pushing the boundaries of both computational theory and mathematics.

Insights from Quantum Entanglement to Epigenetic Inheritance

Quantum entanglement, one of the most intriguing aspects of quantum mechanics, requires a fundamental rethinking of classical concepts like locality and causality. The mathematical structure of entanglement is based on the tensor product of Hilbert spaces, representing the combined state space of entangled particles. The correlations between these particles, which violate Bell’s inequalities, have been confirmed experimentally and are central to applications in quantum information theory. These applications, such as quantum teleportation and superdense coding, rely on advanced mathematical tools like Schmidt decomposition, von Neumann entropy, and quantum channel capacities, which require a deep understanding of functional analysis, operator algebras, and information theory.

In biology, epigenetic inheritance presents a conceptual challenge that blurs the lines between genetic and environmental influences. Epigenetic modifications, such as DNA methylation and histone acetylation, alter gene expression without changing the underlying DNA sequence. These modifications can be heritable, leading to phenotypic changes across generations. The mathematical modeling of epigenetic landscapes involves constructing energy landscapes where the system’s state is represented in a high-dimensional space, and stochastic processes drive transitions between attractor states. This often requires solving high-dimensional Fokker-Planck equations or employing Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to explore these complex landscapes.

The mathematical tools required to model these processes are rooted in statistical mechanics, stochastic processes, and nonlinear dynamics. Handling the high-dimensional data and complex interactions that characterize epigenetic systems demands advanced computational techniques and sophisticated statistical methods, such as Bayesian inference, to estimate parameters and quantify uncertainty.

Future Thoughts

As we continue to explore the complexities of physics and biology through a mathematical lens, it is clear that the challenges in these fields are not static but evolving. The quest to unify quantum mechanics with general relativity into a coherent theory of quantum gravity remains one of the greatest challenges in physics, likely requiring the development of new mathematical frameworks that extend beyond our current understanding.

In biology, integrating high-throughput data with mechanistic models to understand complex diseases like cancer or neurodegenerative disorders presents an equally daunting task. This integration will necessitate advancements in experimental techniques and the development of new computational methods capable of managing the vast complexity of biological systems.

The future of scientific inquiry lies at the intersection of disciplines, where the rigorous mathematical tools of physics meet the intricate and dynamic complexity of biological systems. It is in this confluence that we may find answers to some of the most profound questions about the nature of life and the universe.

