Mathematical Bridge Between Softmax Functions and Gibbs Distributions

Freedom Preetham
Mathematical Musings
5 min readApr 26, 2024

The softmax function is an essential element in various neural networks, particularly those designed for classification tasks. It effectively transforms a vector of real-valued scores (logits) from a neural network’s final linear output into a probability distribution. Each component of the softmax output represents the probability that the input belongs to a specific class.

By drawing parallels between the softmax function in machine learning and the Gibbs distribution in physics, we can better appreciate the foundational principles governing both fields. These insights not only enhance our understanding of neural network behaviors but also demonstrate the universality of exponential family distributions across different scientific disciplines.

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Definition and Components of the Softmax Function

The softmax function, denoted as 𝜎σ, is applied to a vector z containing raw scores from the network, and is defined for each component zi​ as follows:

​​where i ranges from 1 to n, the total number of classes.

Detailed Component Analysis

  • zi​: These are the logits, or raw output scores from the neural network’s final layer for each class.
  • e^zi​: Applying the exponential function to each logit, converting each score into a positive number.
  • j = 1..n e^zj​: This normalization factor, the sum of all the exponential scores, ensures that the softmax outputs sum to one, forming a valid probability distribution.

Generalization from Logistic to Multiple Classes

Softmax serves as an extension of the logistic function, which is used in binary classification. While the logistic function outputs probabilities for two classes, softmax extends this framework to accommodate multiple classes.

Connection to Gibbs Distribution

In statistical mechanics, the softmax formulation resembles the Gibbs distribution, where e^zi​ corresponds to the Boltzmann factor of an energy state zi​, and the denominator acts like the partition function, normalizing the distribution.

The connection between the softmax function and the Gibbs distribution is a fascinating intersection between machine learning and statistical mechanics. This connection provides deep insights into how neural networks model probabilities and how concepts from physics can illuminate the behavior of complex machine learning algorithms. Let’s dive deeper into the mathematical framework to understand this relationship.

Statistical Mechanics Background

In statistical mechanics, the Gibbs distribution (also known as the Boltzmann distribution) describes the probability Pi​ that a system will be in a certain state i among a set of possible states at thermal equilibrium. The probability of a system being in state i is given by:


  • Ei​ is the energy of state i.
  • β is the inverse temperature factor (often defined as β=1/(k_B.T)​, where k_B​ is the Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature).
  • Z is the partition function, which is a normalization factor ensuring that the probabilities sum to one. It is defined as:

Connection to Softmax Function

To see the parallel with the Gibbs distribution, consider the logits zi​ in the softmax function as analogous to negative energy states −Ei​ in statistical mechanics, and interpret the inverse temperature β as being set to 1 for simplicity. Then the softmax equation transforms into a form resembling the Gibbs distribution:

In this formulation:

  • zi​ plays the role similar to Ei​, implying that higher logits (less negative “energies”) lead to higher probabilities, mirroring how lower energy states are more probable in physics.
  • The sum in the denominator of the softmax function acts like the partition function Z, normalizing the output to a probability distribution.

Entropy and Free Energy

In statistical mechanics, the Gibbs distribution is derived by minimizing the Helmholtz free energy, F=ETS, where E is the expected energy, T is the temperature, and S is the entropy. This principle of minimizing free energy can be analogously applied to machine learning, where one might think of minimizing a loss function as reducing a form of “informational free energy” of the predictive model.

Optimization and Computational Stability

The exponential transformation ensures that differences between logits are amplified in a stable manner. This is crucial for maintaining non-zero gradients and ensuring effective gradient-based learning.

Gradient of Softmax

Understanding the gradient of softmax is vital for backpropagation:

where δij​ is the Kronecker delta. This shows the dependency of one class’s probability on changes in the logits, essential for updating the neural network’s weights.

Link to Information Theory

Combining softmax with the cross-entropy loss connects to concepts in information theory. The cross-entropy measures the informational distance between the predicted probabilities and the actual distribution, guiding the model to minimize this discrepancy.

Deriving Softmax from Log-Sum-Exp

Softmax can be derived from the log-sum-exp function, a smooth maximum function approximation:

Differentiating 𝐿𝑆𝐸(𝑧)LSE(z) with respect to 𝑧𝑖zi​ yields the softmax function:

This derivation illustrates how softmax naturally emerges from maximizing likelihood functions and manipulating probabilities in a logarithmic scale for numerical stability.


The softmax function is a cornerstone in the architecture of neural networks for classification, providing a robust mechanism for output normalization and probability calculation. Its mathematical foundation not only facilitates practical learning algorithms but also enriches its theoretical understanding.

I invite everyone to share their insights or raise questions regarding the detailed mathematics of softmax or its applications in various fields. Your perspectives enrich the discussion and deepen our collective understanding of advanced neural network techniques.

