Mathematical Intuition for Gene Expression Modeling using Graph Dynamical Systems

Freedom Preetham
Mathematical Musings
6 min readJul 6, 2024

Gene expression analysis through the lens of graph dynamical systems offers profound insights into the complex interactions that govern cellular behavior. By employing advanced mathematical tools, such as odd analytic coupling, researchers can dissect the intricate equilibrium states and stability properties influenced by the network structure of gene interactions. This is one of the tools among many to model gene expressions.

In this comprehensive exploration, I delve deeper into the core concepts, mathematical frameworks, and significant findings presented in the context of gene expression networks.

gene interaction diagram

In Simpler Terms

Imagine a network of springs interconnected in various ways. The springs can stretch and compress, and their movements influence each other.

  • The “odd analytic coupling” describes the specific rules governing how the springs interact.
  • The “manifolds” represent different possible configurations where the springs are in balance and not moving. These configurations can have different shapes and complexities.
  • This article explains how the network’s structure, the way the springs are connected, and the interaction rules all determine the possible balanced configurations and how stable those configurations are.

Gene Expression Networks

Gene expression networks represent the interactions between genes where each gene’s expression level evolves over time based on its interactions with other genes. These interactions are mathematically modeled using graphs, where nodes represent genes, and edges represent regulatory interactions. This network-centric approach provides a powerful framework for understanding how gene expression patterns emerge and stabilize.

Odd Analytic Coupling

In the realm of gene expression networks, odd analytic coupling refers to a specific type of interaction function between genes that is both symmetric about the origin (odd) and differentiable (analytic). This coupling function g(xi​,xj​) satisfies the condition g(−xi,−xj)=−g(xi,xj), which simplifies the mathematical analysis of the system and facilitates the identification of equilibrium states.

Manifolds in Equilibrium Analysis

Manifolds are higher-dimensional analogs of curves and surfaces, representing the possible equilibrium states of the gene expression network. These equilibrium manifolds can intersect and vary in dimension, reflecting the complex and multi-faceted nature of gene regulatory networks. Understanding the geometry and topology of these manifolds is crucial for predicting system behavior.

Geometric Structure of Equilibria

The equilibrium states of the gene expression network form a union of manifolds whose geometry is influenced by the coupling function and several intrinsic properties of the network:

  • Homology: This topological property describes the presence of ‘holes’ or ‘loops’ in the network, which can significantly impact the pathways through which gene expression changes propagate.
  • Coverings: These mappings reveal how the network can be folded or projected onto itself, providing insights into its symmetry and self-similarity.
  • Connectivity: The degree of connectivity within the network affects how quickly and efficiently information (i.e., gene expression changes) can spread, influencing the robustness and stability of the equilibrium states.
  • Symmetry: Symmetries in the network structure can simplify the analysis and often lead to more stable and robust equilibrium states, as symmetrical structures tend to balance out fluctuations.

Stability of Equilibria

The stability of an equilibrium state is determined by its resilience to small perturbations. This stability can vary not only between different manifolds but also within a single manifold. Such variations are critical for understanding which equilibrium states are likely to persist under biological fluctuations and which are more prone to transitions or instability.

Analytical Tools

Researchers use a suite of advanced mathematical tools to dissect the dynamics of gene expression networks:

  • Gradient Structure: This tool helps identify the directions in which the system’s state changes most rapidly, which is essential for locating stable and unstable equilibrium points.
  • Topological Bifurcation Theory: This theory provides a framework for understanding how the qualitative behavior of the system changes as parameters vary, such as the emergence or disappearance of equilibrium states and the transition between different dynamic regimes.

Differential Equations in Gene Expression

Consider a gene expression network represented by a graph G=(V,E), where V denotes the set of genes and E denotes the set of regulatory interactions. The expression level of each gene i∈V is described by a differential equation:

where f represents the intrinsic dynamics of gene i, and g represents the interaction function between gene i and its neighboring genes j∈N(i). For odd analytic coupling, g satisfies g(−xi,−xj)=−g(xi,xj), which simplifies the identification and analysis of equilibrium states.

Equilibrium and Stability Analysis

Equilibrium states x* are solutions to:

To analyze the stability of these equilibria, we examine the Jacobian matrix J of the system, where:

The eigenvalues of J determine the stability: if all eigenvalues have negative real parts, the equilibrium is stable; otherwise, it is unstable. Variations in these eigenvalues across different regions of a manifold provide insights into local stability properties.

Topological Bifurcation and Complex Dynamics

Topological bifurcation theory helps to understand how small changes in parameters can lead to significant changes in the system’s qualitative behavior. This includes the creation or annihilation of equilibrium points, changes in stability, and the emergence of complex dynamics such as oscillations or chaotic behavior. This theory is crucial for predicting how gene expression networks might respond to genetic mutations or environmental changes.

Applications in Genomics and Medicine

Understanding the dynamics of gene expression networks has profound implications for genomics, developmental biology, and medical research. For instance, insights into equilibrium states and their stability can help elucidate how gene regulatory networks maintain cellular functions and how disruptions in these networks can lead to diseases. This knowledge can inform the development of therapeutic strategies to target specific genes or interactions within the network.

Advanced Computational Techniques

Analyzing gene expression networks with odd analytic coupling requires sophisticated computational techniques. These include numerical methods for solving differential equations, algorithms for computing the Jacobian matrix and its eigenvalues, and tools from algebraic topology for studying the homology and coverings of the network. High-performance computing resources are often necessary to handle the large-scale and high-dimensional nature of gene expression data.

Key Areas of Expertise

The methods that come in handy to capture the essence of these numerical methods can be borrowed heavily from the following methodologies:

  • Multi-Fidelity Learning: Techniques that combine various data fidelities to optimize model performance and insight extraction.
  • Deep Operator Learning: Innovations that leverage PDEs and stochastic operators to advance scientific computing.
  • Physics-Informed Neural Networks: Models that incorporate physical laws to enhance predictive accuracy and efficiency.
  • Diffusion Models: Generative AI models that harness stochastic diffusion processes to produce high-quality samples from complex data distributions, revolutionizing applications like image synthesis and text generation.
  • Stochastic Operator Models & Novel Architectures (FNOs, HNNs, Bistable Chains): These cutting-edge approaches enable AI models to tackle complex systems with uncertainty, multiple stable states, and underlying physical laws.

Future Direction

The analysis of gene expression networks using graph dynamical systems with odd analytic coupling reveals a complex and multi-layered structure of equilibrium states. By leveraging advanced mathematical tools such as gradient structure analysis and topological bifurcation theory, researchers can gain deep insights into the stability and dynamics of these networks. This comprehensive understanding is essential for advancing our knowledge of genetic regulation, cellular behavior, and the development of targeted medical interventions.

Future research directions may include the integration of stochastic elements to account for biological noise, the application of these methods to single-cell gene expression data, and the exploration of network dynamics in response to external perturbations. The interplay between network topology and dynamic behavior remains a rich and promising area of study, with potential applications across various domains of biology and medicine.

