Why Ignoring Algebra Could Doom Your Career in AI Research

Intersecting Functional Analysis, Algebra, and Formal Methods

Freedom Preetham
Mathematical Musings
6 min readSep 15, 2024


Recently, a grad student asked me if she should just focus on real and complex analysis moving toward functional analysis for her PhD and not focus much on advanced algebra like group theory, ring theory, or even homological algebra. This was in preparation to work in areas of AI involving deep learning, optimization, and understanding high-dimensional spaces. Her question revealed a common misconception: the belief that functional analysis is purely an analytic field and that algebra, particularly its more abstract branches, has little to offer. However, in the rapidly evolving world of AI, where mathematics forms the underlying structure, the interplay between functional analysis, advanced algebra, and even formal proof systems is becoming more profound. Ignoring these connections would leave critical gaps in understanding the deeper mathematical machinery that drives modern AI.

Functional analysis, which studies spaces of functions and operators, is foundational to many AI techniques. Neural networks are mappings between high-dimensional spaces, and functional analysis offers tools to rigorously analyze these mappings. Deep learning models, particularly when trained using optimization algorithms like gradient descent, rely on properties of spaces such as convexity, smoothness, and boundedness — all core topics in functional analysis. Yet, as these spaces become more complex, the algebraic structures underlying them begin to take on critical importance.

For instance, consider Banach spaces and Hilbert spaces, which are ubiquitous in AI applications. These spaces, defined by norms and inner products, form the mathematical basis for optimization techniques used in training neural networks. However, these spaces also have algebraic properties that are deeply intertwined with their analytic behavior. Understanding how vectors (functions) transform under linear operators or group actions requires a grounding in both algebra and analysis. The convergence properties of optimization algorithms, for example, are not merely analytic phenomena; they also depend on the underlying algebraic structure of the spaces in which these algorithms operate.

Take the case of Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces (RKHS), which are central to kernel methods in machine learning, such as Support Vector Machines (SVMs). Kernel methods exploit the algebraic properties of certain function spaces to operate in higher dimensions without explicitly computing the transformation into these spaces. This “kernel trick” relies on both algebraic structures (kernels and inner products) and functional analysis (the properties of Hilbert spaces). The success of these methods is a direct result of the synthesis between algebra and analysis, a recurring theme in the mathematics of AI.

The interplay between functional analysis and algebra is perhaps most evident in operator theory, a branch of functional analysis that studies linear operators on function spaces. In reinforcement learning, operators like the Bellman operator map value functions between state-action spaces, defining the iterative processes used in algorithms like Q-learning. These operators are not just analytic objects but are often studied for their algebraic properties, such as invertibility and commutativity. Understanding these properties is key to ensuring the stability and convergence of reinforcement learning algorithms. Once again, we see that modern AI techniques are deeply rooted in both algebra and analysis.

However, the mathematical landscape of AI doesn’t stop there. With the advent of condensed mathematics and liquid tensors, introduced by Peter Scholze, we are witnessing a shift in how mathematical spaces are conceptualized. Condensed mathematics generalizes classical topological spaces, creating a framework where algebraic structures and topological properties coexist harmoniously. This generalization is particularly relevant for AI applications that involve continuous data, such as physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) and generative models. By allowing more flexibility in the structures we use to represent data, condensed mathematics opens new possibilities for learning from high-dimensional, infinite spaces.

Scholze’s liquid tensor experiment, which rigorously formalized key results in condensed mathematics using the Lean proof assistant, is evidence to the power of combining algebra, analysis, and formal verification. Formal proof assistants, such as Lean, Coq, and Isabelle, are becoming indispensable in both pure mathematics and AI. These systems allow for the formal verification of mathematical proofs, ensuring that algorithms, models, and mathematical results are correct down to the last detail. In AI, where models are often deployed in critical applications like healthcare, finance, and autonomous systems, this level of rigor is increasingly necessary.

One of the most promising uses of formal proof assistants in AI is in the verification of neural networks and optimization algorithms. These tools allow researchers to formally prove properties like convergence, stability, and robustness, which are essential when deploying AI systems in safety-critical environments. For example, proving that a reinforcement learning algorithm converges to an optimal policy is not just a matter of empirical testing; it requires rigorous mathematical guarantees. Proof assistants can verify these guarantees automatically, ensuring that no corner case or edge condition is missed.

Related to formal proof assistants are Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solvers, which are tools used to check the satisfiability of logical formulas with respect to certain background theories like arithmetic, algebra, or functional analysis. SMT solvers play a crucial role in formal verification by automatically verifying properties of AI models, such as safety conditions in autonomous vehicles or correctness in software systems that interact with AI algorithms. These solvers can also be used to verify properties of machine learning models, including verifying that certain invariants hold during model training or that specific safety conditions are respected during inference.

For instance, SMT solvers can be employed to check whether a deep learning model is robust to adversarial attacks, where small perturbations in the input can cause significant changes in the output. By encoding the model and the adversarial conditions into a set of logical constraints, an SMT solver can automatically verify whether the model is robust, providing a formal guarantee of safety that goes beyond empirical testing. This level of rigor, enabled by formal methods like SMT solvers and proof assistants, is increasingly important as AI systems are deployed in high-stakes environments where failure is not an option.

The future of AI lies in the intersection of many mathematical fields, including functional analysis, algebra, and formal methods. One area where this confluence is particularly evident is in Fourier Neural Operators (FNOs), a recent advancement in deep learning that seeks to learn mappings between infinite-dimensional function spaces. FNOs are used in applications where neural networks must solve partial differential equations (PDEs) efficiently. The mathematics behind FNOs relies heavily on both functional analysis (for understanding infinite-dimensional spaces) and algebra (for Fourier transforms and operator properties). By combining these tools with formal verification techniques like SMT solvers and proof assistants, we can ensure that these models not only perform well but also meet strict safety and reliability requirements.

Finally, let’s turn to compressed sensing, a technique widely used in AI for reconstructing high-dimensional signals from fewer data points. This method is based on the principle that high-dimensional data often has an underlying sparse structure, which can be recovered using convex optimization techniques rooted in Banach space theory. Compressed sensing relies heavily on both functional analysis and algebra, particularly the study of sparse representations in function spaces. Moreover, formal verification tools can be applied to ensure that the reconstruction algorithms used in compressed sensing are robust and reliable, providing another layer of rigor to this important AI technique.

In conclusion, functional analysis, advanced algebra, and formal methods like proof assistants and SMT solvers are not separate domains but interconnected tools that will drive the future of AI. As AI systems become more complex and are increasingly deployed in critical applications, the need for rigorous mathematical foundations becomes more apparent. The synthesis of functional analysis, algebra, and formal verification is essential for building AI systems that are not only powerful but also reliable, safe, and mathematically sound.

So, to the grad student’s original question: should she focus on functional analysis without considering advanced algebra? The answer is clear. The future of AI lies in the deep integration of these fields. Mastering both is not optional — it’s a necessity for those who wish to make significant contributions to the mathematical foundations of AI. The convergence of these fields will shape the next generation of AI technologies, ensuring they are robust, efficient, and, most importantly, correct.

