Best Live chat for Wordpress, Joomla or any website

Mathivanan Gowthaman
2 min readJun 27, 2020


If you are looking for a live chat with bot features for your website to take automatic leads and engage when required, you have come to the right place. We have been trying to find a live chat app with bot which will suite our website for app for business software for few years now. These chatbots will pretty much work for any kind of websites and apps like Wordpress, Joomla, static site, Wix Pages, Shopify etc. Chat apps are great way to increase your conversion rates and retain your current customers.

There are obviously quite a bunch of options which are available like Intercom, Zendesk, Freshchat and Tidio. Ones which has all the features like Intercom is expensive for our budget can be an expensive option for someone with tight budget. So i am going to leave that out of our discussion, If you have the money, hands down intercom is very good, please go for it and skip rest of the content. Most of these apps are freemium, so it is possible to get this done totally free of cost.

If you are still reading, you want the get the best bang for buck. Next up is Zen Desk, To be frank i am still not sure how it made it to this list, I don't like their UI and never felt like buying from a site which had zendesk install. It has quite lot of useful features, but zendesk for chat is not great option, IMAO not a good live chat software to pick for your business.

I liked Fresh chat and had it in our website for more than a year. We got a few leads and was easy to engage with the users. But their basic edition is well seriously basic. You just get a two way chat option with your website visitor that's it, If there is any extra you need to pay for it. When comparing their paid version features with the cost, doesn't look like a very good value add for us. So we decided to find for alternate at the cheapest price with best features.

I searched for months and tried out a bunch of apps like Tiledesk, Chatra until i stumbled upon this polish jewel called Tidio. We loved it, their interface is great, chatbot is very easy to use and yes it prices are very much affordable even for cash dry bootstrapped startups like us. So my recommendation is hands down tidio. Please go ahead give tidio a trial run, you will not be disappointed.

Disclaimer: This recommendation is based on actual use of these apps

