The Hardest Question in the BMO1. (2020)

UWCSEA MathsBlog
Published in
2 min readDec 15, 2020

Accessible for all HS grades

The British Mathematics Olympiad 1 is a competition only accessible to the top 1000 scorers of the Senior Mathematics Challenge. It is of a great difficulty which is evident by the fact that you are given 3.5 hours to solve a mere 6 number of questions. These six questions grow in difficulty as you complete one after another and this article focuses on the hardest question of the paper.

Credit: UKMT —

The first step to solving this behemoth of a question is to write this equation into L (Left-Hand-Side), M (Middle) and R (Right-Hand-Side). This will make it easier when managing the expressions given in the question. Afterwards, simplify the equation by taking g(m) for f(m,-m). This will leave you with equation for L = R as:

You can simplify the equation to the one below by first expanding, moving the m on the Left hand side to the right, then crossing out values. This is shown in the image below:

The equation we obtain at the end contains no variables with exponents, creating a linear equation. Thus we know that g(0)=0 and g(m) = am where a is an integer. We can then rule out that a is an odd number after taking m=1 and n=0. Substituting as 2b + 1 to represent that a will always be an odd number, you will get the equation below:

This equation shows all the possible “good functions” and that it can work for any value of b. The difficulty of this problem is as so due to two things: that it is hard to see the recurrence relation that can be used to rule things about f(m,n); and that the substitutions needed to solve the problem are as equally hard to see.

