Make Your Own Astrolabe

Gabrielle Birchak
Published in
2 min readJun 19, 2020

Originally published on November 3, 2019

If you lis­tened to today’s pod­cast and are inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about the astro­labe, as well as how to make one, here are sev­er­al links that will point you in the right direc­tion.

I made my astro­labe using card­stock, trans­paren­cies, and a brad.

Here is the Website where you can download your templates for printout:

And a few explanations:

Here are a few resources:

This Website has some GORGEOUS astrolabes for sale:

And here is one of my favorite videos of Uri Tuch­man build­ing an astro­labe out of steel and brass:

Thank you for lis­ten­ing, thank you for read­ing, and thank you for vis­it­ing me at Math Sci­ence His­to­ry!

Originally published at



Gabrielle Birchak

I write about the history of math and science, the power of women in STEM, and the value of inclusivity.