Matic Weekly Digest #3

2 min readMay 23, 2020

The relentless march by the matic team is on and another great week is behind us and some of the activities in the week include

The week started with the matic co-founder and coo sandeep Nailwal attending the “Re imagine 2020 virtual conference” he shared his insights about ‘state of layer 2’ the event was organized by mousebelt.

The team during the week release a sneak peak of the dashboard for staking and a tutorial reference on how to participate in staking.

Torus which is a secure non-custodial key management solution provider joined the matic ecosystem as a validator node.

A part of the REIMAGINE 2020 blockchain virtual conference the matic team also hosted a special class for all front-end developers.

The team was also on hand to share their insights on NFT design at the ANON summit 2020.

The winners from the matic x Decentral games glean giveaway, check out if you are among the winners and claim your prize

In a continued effort to always keep the matic community up to date the team held an AMA session on Oropocket telegram channel.

An innovative privacy focused web3 social network Sapien which is also an ecosystem project of matic joined as a validator

Binance added a Busd trading pair for matic network token, this makes it easier for the community to trade matic token.

Decentral games project lead, Miles Anthony joined an AMA session that was held in the matic network telegram group.

stay tuned for even more exciting news and updates in the coming weeks.




a firm believer in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, it holds a lot of potentials. join the race lets decentralize every centralized organization