Do And Don’ts For Finding The Perfect Australian-Kerala Marriage Online

Balakrishnan David
5 min readJan 5, 2024

Malayalis staying outside India often struggle to find a partner that loves traditional art forms, spicy flavorful Malayalee dishes, and culture. Australia although boasts fast growing Malalyalee population has a limited pool of matrimony opportunities. Therefore, finding a suitable Malayalee match is a tough nut to crack with limited access.

Australia Kerala matrimony is an ideal way to explore matrimonial opportunities without having to step outside. The website can provide users with a plethora of potential Malayalee brides and grooms for a long-term commitment. The path to finding a dream partner can be long but can become easier with the aid of professional matrimony websites.

Tips To Help Break Ice With Potential Match On Matrimony Website

People often get confused about how to break the ice with a potential Malayalee match on the matrimony website to ensure seamless conversation. However, it is a great way to stand out from other potential matches and to get brownie points. Let me give you 3 great tips to break the ice with potential matches to help pique their curiosity.

Find Common Interest

It is the easiest way to start a conversation with a potential match without overthinking. You could go through their profile and find something that is common between you both. It could be your love for reading, traveling, music choice, etc.

You can connect and share your experiences to help know each other better. You can bond with your partner on your love for rich Malayali culture, food, and tradition. Your Malayali roots can help you bond easily and quickly.

Begin With a Random Topic

Potential matches online try to break their ice using similar interests, hobbies, etc. Surprise your match by enquiring about a random topic. This will take your potential match by surprise and guarantee their attention.
It is vital that the topic or question that you ask should be engaging and interesting. Enquire about a traditional and fun Malayali ritual that your family follows to connect on a more intimate level.

Use Humor

If you cannot find a unique topic to break the ice, the next tip is to use humor to get their attention. It is a perfect way to start a conversation in a fun and delightful way. You must make sure that the jokes are funny and not disrespectful to anyone to avoid leaving a bad aftertaste.

Things To Avoid When Talking With Potential Match Online

As you initiate the conversation with a potential match on Australia Kerala matrimony, make sure to avoid certain topics. These specific topics are simply off-putting, especially in the early stages of conversation. Given below are things to avoid when talking to a potential match online.

Past Relationships

It is a major red flag when potential matches start talking about their past relationships. It means that they are still hung up on their ex and have not healed from the breakup. It may lead to jealousy, mistrust, and confusion in the potential match mind. Avoid disclosing any information about past relationships as it could make you seem emotional and needy.

Personal Issues

Another turn-off topic is discussing personal issues with a potential match in the beginning stages of the relationship. You are still trying to know about one another and talking about your issue is something you should avoid. Potential match may deem this as that you may be unhappy with your life and may feel burdened with expectations.

Pointing Out Negative Things About Potential Match

We all are different beings and may have varied and distinct interests, hobbies, likes, and dislikes. Therefore, you must refrain from saying anything negative about your potential match, especially at the beginning of the relationship. Avoid complaining and sounding negative about the potential match as they could lose interest quickly.

Sometimes we may click on potential matches on the matrimony website and start to get to know each other. We make genuine efforts, do and say the right things but the spark is fading. Given below are signs to know that this is not the right partner for you and it is time to move on.

  • You Make The First Contact: Your potential match online hardly ever calls or chats with you first. You are the one who is making an effort and they do not bother to take the first step.
  • Boring Conversation: Another way to identify that they are not the ideal match is that you find the conversation very boring. You are waiting for the conversation to end. Your potential match hobbies likes, and dislikes are very different from yours and therefore seem dragged. Notice if they take a hint from the lack of interest and try to talk about more interesting topics.
  • Controlling behavior: The personality of the potential match also plays a huge role. In the beginning, the match may have seemed laid back and easy but over time their behavior has begun to change. If you find your potential match trying to control your life, hobbies, likes, etc lose them immediately.
  • Self-centered individual: If you find that your potential match is only talking about themselves and not making an effort to know you. They are constantly bragging about their achievement, intelligence, and how they are a catch. It is a red flag and you must move away from such an individual.
  • Lack Of Empathy: People who lack empathy hardly make an ideal life partner. Look for partners that are caring and nurturing to other people to ensure a happy and successful long-term commitment.
  • To conclude, Australia is slowly boasting the Malayalee population that is looking to marry in their caste. The rising demand for Malayalee bride and groom has resulted in several mushrooming within the online platform. These websites provide customized verified profiles with varying Malayalee caste and traditional values.

You must follow safety measures to preserve your identity and information when enrolling on the matrimonial website. Opt for Australian matrimonial websites that have excellent customer reviews and plentiful successful matches over the years. You should try paid bespoke matrimonial websites to guarantee genuine matches and ensure a dream life partner.



Balakrishnan David

Balakrishnan writes on behalf of Matrimonials India, which is among the fastest-growing matrimonial site of India.