Matry Protocol: Your All in One NFT and Metaverse Toolkit

Crypto Writer Caye
Published in
4 min readFeb 23, 2022

In 2021, the global NFT market topped $40bil USD, making it evident to the world that this relatively novel asset class was here to change multiple industries in a big way. Creators now had a way to authenticate their work and protect it from being forged and resold, preventing both consumers and artists from being scammed. It was a beacon of light for artists, photographers, musicians, or anyone else who wanted to express their talents without the worry of it being stolen.

However, this revolutionary technology has not come without its downfalls. NFTs have brought a wave of collections into the space and in many cases, projects seemed to replicate one another in terms of style and design features. This has left consumers holding NFTs that have little hype behind them and even less value. It is a problem that Matry tackles head-on, by enabling users to create or invest in powerful, DeFi-Layered NFT collections with a platform that’s disrupting the status quo.

Providing an Edge for Creators

Throughout the meteoric rise of NFTs, you may have seen or heard about a number of popular NFT collections that have gained mainstream attention. However, they do very little — if anything at all — to reward holders. Further, once a price floor has reached a certain amount, it becomes all but impossible for the average NFT trader to acquire one of these assets and participate in any form of resale activity. Matry, on the other hand, enables developers to create DeFi-layered collections that reward holders from day 1. Thus, building a bond between the two parties that encourages a long-term partnership.

Never before has a protocol allowed NFT creators to launch collections with DeFi-Layered features. Developers now have access to a wide range of tools that enable them to build NFTs with DeFi functionalities such as time-released rewards in the form of tokens or other NFTs. Artists with limited technical knowledge will also appreciate Matry’s ease of use when bringing their concepts to life. That’s because Matry requires no coding experience whatsoever and collections can be created with a simple drag and drop feature, thus removing a common barrier faced by novice NFT creators.

Passive Reward NFTs

Matry’s NFT platform is designed to provide a user-friendly experience for NFT creators and collectors alike, but this is far from the only unique benefit it offers. We would like to draw your attention to Matry’s passive staking matrix, which adds extra appeal to an NFT collection thanks to its rewards-based incentives. This feature enables users to yield time-released “m” token derivatives that are pegged to major cryptocurrencies and real-world assets. Some examples include mBTC, mETH, mSOL, mUSD, mGOLD, and many others.

Essentially, buyers who purchase NFTs on Matry protocol can stake these assets to earn these passive income rewards, further contributing to a long-term partnership between the NFT creator and curator. Holders who have successfully minted an NFT on Matry or have purchased on the secondary marketplace post-mint are eligible for these passive rewards.

Matry Staking Pools: For the Community, By the Community

We realize that some NFT fans may not currently have the capital to invest in the collections they love. But this should not mean they cannot support the project and invest in it to earn potential profits. With Matry’s staking pools, community members can back the projects they believe in by providing the necessary liquidity needed for holders to earn passive m-token rewards, while they themselves earn $MATRY tokens passively.

An example of this would be as follows:

Let’s suppose a new NFT project debuts that’s a hit in the Matry community and beyond. The developers of this collection then decide they want to create a pool using Ethereum and USDC (for example) as the collateral currencies, thus enabling buyers to stake and receive mETH, mUSD, and others (This will depend largely on the NFT configuration they select through the Matry platform).

Supporters of the project, or the “backers” who wish to contribute the liquidity for the pool, can provide the developers with a 50/50 split of ETH and USDC to earn their own passive rewards and have some real skin in the game.

A Platform for All

As the NFT market and community continue to grow at breakneck speeds, Matry aims to level up the current standard and provide users with an NFT 2.0 platform that features an inclusive ecosystem for artists, developers, investors, and newcomers to the space. The trifecta of utility mentioned in this article rewards both buyers and creators while bolstering the long-term relationship between both parties.

Please see our documentation here to better understand the underlying technology that makes up the Matry ecosystem.


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