The Joshua Foust Drone Shirt

No dronephobes allowed

Matt Bors
Matt Bors
1 min readOct 15, 2013


My Medium colleague Joshua Foust loves drones. Well, he wouldn’t put it that way. He just thinks drones get a bad rap. They do some good stuff out there! And he doesn’t like what he calls “dronephobes”—people who always point to dystopian sci-fi movies and innocent dead people to make their points about how robot death planes aren’t real rad. Me, I feel like letting a good “Robocop” reference go to waste is bad form in a debate.

Here’s my shirt for Foust. I hope it captures his complex views on drones, but more importantly, I hope I got his facial hair right.

I write and draw for Medium and edit The Nib. My collection is here.



Matt Bors
Matt Bors

Cartoonist and editor of The Nib. Working on the comic Justice Warriors. Sign up for my newsletter: