Climbing Mount Rainier

Matthias Knoll
Matt climbs a Volcano
3 min readMar 26, 2017

This summer I am going to attempt to summit Mount Rainier.
It is the highest mountain of the cascades mountain range and the highest mountain of the Pacific North West. It is also an active volcano.

Mount Rainier as seen from the Naches Peak Loop. Summer 2016

At an elevation of 14,411 feet (4392m) is is higher than Grossglockner at 12,461 feet (3798m), the highest mountain in my home country, Austria.


When growing up in Austria I spent a lot of time in the mountains. Hiking in summer, skiing in winter.

After moving to Seattle in Summer 2016 I was amazed by how close nature is to the city and how accessible it is. This sparked a renewed love for the outdoors in me.

Mount Rainier is omnipresent. It was one of the first mountains I saw when arriving, I see it on my way to work every morning and it is on the Washington state license plate. I was certain, that I will climb it one day.

Little did I know that it is going to be this year.

Enter Washington’s National Park Fund

There are many people working day in and out to make sure that the beautiful nature in the national parks in Washington state are kept beautiful. Some are volunteers and some are employees.

It takes a lot of love, patience and of course funds to achieve the yearly goals that, amongst other projects, help protect species, keep the trails in order and rescue people off the mountain when they run into trouble.

To help achieve their goals, Microsoft has partnered with WNPF and launched a giving campaign that enables employees to achieve their goal of summiting Mount Rainier while supporting the national parks in the process.

That is amazing! I am so happy that I can be one of the select few people that get the chance to be a part of this.

How Can You Help?

You can help me summit, but more importantly, you can help to preserve the nature and it’s beauty by going to my official Washington’s National Park Fund’s campaign page and donate to the cause.

Anything helps!

In return you I will post updates on my training progress and the actual climb in summer and of course loads of pictures.
You will help to preserve a bit of nature in one of the most beautiful places on earth.

Thank you so much!

