An introduction to #BLOGtober2017

Matt Meir
Matt Meir
Published in
1 min readSep 30, 2017

In an attempt to encourage me to blog more frequently, I’ve signed up to the “#Blogtober2017” challenge, courtesy of HexMumBlog.

The long-and-short of it is this: one blog entry a day, based on a pre-identified prompt. It was successful last year for those who participated, so I’m hoping it’ll be equally successful this.

In terms of the prompts, they are as follows:

  1. All about you
  2. Babies
  3. Car
  4. Date
  5. Education
  6. Flowers
  7. Goals
  8. Holidays
  9. Ice cream
  10. Joke
  11. Kitchen
  12. Love
  13. Movies
  14. Novels
  15. Old photos
  16. Phobias
  18. Relaxation
  19. Secrets
  20. Teenagers
  21. Unusual Crushes
  22. Villains and Superheroes
  23. Weather
  24. Xmas
  25. Year in Review
  26. Zoo
  27. Facebook
  28. Twitter
  29. Instagram
  30. Pinterest
  31. YouTube

As you can see, the prompts are about as vague as humanly possible, so it should make for interesting reading of everyone’s interpretation of them.
In the meantime, you can follow all the action over on Twitter, using #BLOGtober2017.

I’ll try and keep the prompts above as a linkable index, for those who check this page out and wish to jump to a relevant post.

Originally published at Matt Meir.



Matt Meir
Matt Meir

Matt Meir is an independent developer and designer with a focus on ethics and privacy.