Unfinished Business (well, Medium design)

Matt Meir
Matt Meir
Published in
1 min readAug 24, 2017


In the latest update to my mobile apps, I noticed a new icon design appear on my Google Nexus.

It was a letter M, in black, with what looks like black lines alongside it, all sitting on a field of white.

But wait. This is the Medium app.

What happened to the cool, three-shades-of-Green M? It appears to have been replaced by an icon that wouldn’t look out of place on a copy of Microsoft Word in Windows 95.

Although it’s an icon I could easily get used to (it is kinda cool, and retro-modern), it’s disappointing that the website hasn’t really had a matching overhaul.

The majority of the site is unchanged — although the header has had a tweak with the implementation of the new logo and monogram. But everything else — font style, green links, layout — all untouched.

It seems a little… unfinished.

And, for me at least, that’s ruined the new logo launch.



Matt Meir
Matt Meir

Matt Meir is an independent developer and designer with a focus on ethics and privacy.