Design Challenge 2

Matt White
Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2015

For this assignment we had to interview someone and create a logo for them. The objective of this design challenge was to come up with sketches for a logo for the person. The logo had to be created based on who the person is and what they want to do with their future. Below is all the work conducted for this Design Challenge.

Below is the interview and time boxing for the project

Alex DeAngelo Interview

· What kind of profession would you like a job in upon graduation?

  • I would love to work for a professional sports team. My biggest interest is with football and the NFL. I did an internship with the Kansas City Chiefs and I am the head of football operations for SCSU

· What are your three biggest strengths that might be used in that job?

  • My biggest strengths is that I have years of experience. I have been the manager of different sports teams since my freshman year of high school so I already have nearly 8 years of experience before graduating college.

· What is your favorite color?

  • Blue because I can be a high strung person at times but the color blue tends to relax me. I am also a huge NYC Giants fan.

· What kind of work do you enjoy most?

  • I love working with sports and I love working with people.

· What kind of work do you want to do in the future?

  • I want to work with people and I want to be on the operations and equipment staff of a major league team.

Time Boxing

Interview and ask questions -10 min

Type interview questions -2 min

Go over interview questions -3 min

Walk away form project get fresh mind -5 minute

Sketches -10 min

