Logo Assignment- Grizzly Beer.

Matt White
Published in
1 min readOct 14, 2015

For this assignment we needed to create a logo for a company we wanted to create. For my company I wanted to create a Beer Company. I came up with the name Grizzly Beer. Our goal was to create logo that can speak to the consumers. Below is my final logo.

The purpose of this was to speak to the target audience of young professionals. Mostly men ages 21–30. Being a “hipster” or having a beard is a really in thing now. I also feel that most beer companies do not attract or interact with consumers. I wanted to create something a younger guy would feel cool and enjoy drinking. I also feel that the color scheme works and bring a richer vibe to the product. After submission I realized that the logo doesn’t necessarily make sense. What I wish I had thought of and what would have been better is if I put the logo onto a beer bottle so you can understand and see the logo better.

