What if your product had its own movie?

Matt Summers
Matt Summers
Published in
2 min readMar 25, 2019

In some alternate existence, your product has its own movie. Is it a cult classic, indie art piece, or summer blockbuster? Is it the regularly broadcasted The Shawshank Redemption of this alternate reality? (BTW, has anyone watched The Shawshank Redemption from start to finish?)

Try out this “your product as a movie” thought experiment. Starting simple, how does the trailer for it play out? What’s the overall tone? And honestly, do you think you would enjoy the film? What would make you sure you had to see the movie?

The best film you’ll ever see about honey.

Let’s push this idea further. Imagine that a whole movie about your product exists and ask yourself these questions:


What does the movie appear to be about? (What does your product do?)

What is the movie really about? (What problem does your product solve?)

Who stars in the movie? (Who are the users of your product?)

Who goes to see the movie? (Who would invest in your product?)

Who directed the movie? (Who are the stakeholders?)

Who are on the film crew that made the movie happen? (Who are the essential personnel needed to deliver your product?)

How does the movie generate buzz? (Why should people care about the product?)

Why is the movie memorable? (What’s unique about your product when compared to the competition?)

Why does this movie need to be made? (What’s the world like without your product?)

What would make the movie a success to you? (What are you actually trying to accomplish with your product?)


Considering all that, you’ve thought through your product’s weak points and its unwavering strengths. Now it’s time to resolve the weaknesses, fill in any gaps, and double down on what works. Make a life-changing m̶o̶v̶i̶e product!

