Day 6


Matthew Goff
Mattdrea Abroad


Our first official day in the Netherlands started off great. First item on the agenda was a kind of Smörgåsbord breakfast with breads, cheeses, meats, and jams, with some juices to wash it down.

After breakfast, Anette took us to her friend’s house to help her prepare for Anette’s bachelorette party tomorrow. We met our new friend Liesbeth! She was so cute and nice, and her house was really cute too. We helped her set some stuff up then took a lemonade and pineapple break with another new friend, Victoria.


We hung around Leisbeth’s house for a little while helping with random things until Ouren came by and picked us up to take us to meet Anette and Dayle at the market they have on Wednesdays.

The market was very cute and they had lots of little booths with random things you could by. One of our favorites was a booth of candy, the man sold gummy candy in all different shapes: sharks, fried eggs, boobs, weiners, whoo-whoos. It was interesting.

Check out that utility belt!

After we walked around the market for a bit, Andrea, Dayle, and I walked back home to Ouren and Anette’s apartment down the road.

The rest of the day we just hung out around the house, I started learning French (thanks to Duolingo) and Andrea and Dayle helped Anette with wedding things. After dinner and dessert, Ouren taught Andrea and I a new card game, Less than 10. Andrea had a bit of beginner’s luck and beat us both.

Now it’s bedtime. Bye!



Matthew Goff
Mattdrea Abroad

@aandreagrace lover, music maker, wretched treasure.