A Social Media Analysis of the turkish 卐 #Nazialmanya attack

Matteo G.P. Flora
Matteo Flora
Published in
3 min readMar 15, 2017

You may have seen something really strange going on on Twitter this night: a LOT (really a lot) of account posting… in Turkish, with a swastika in their status…

Here is an example:

Hacked Amnesty international account

Rough translation of the content is as follows:

卐 # Nazialmanya👌 # Nazihollanda
This is a small one # OSMANLITOKADI
# 16 to see you on April

But Amnesty International is not alone…

Many other examples…

A political statement shared with thousands of accounts around the world…

If you really want to know what is happening between Holland and Turkey you can take a look at this very good article of the Washington Post.

But how many, and where? Here is a little analysis using Crimson Hexagon’s HelioSight™, the platform we partnered with in my italian company The Fool, dealing with Social Media Monitoring and Data Analysis.

Scope of Analysis

We searched the entire Twitter firehose with keywords “卐 #Nazialmanya #Nazihollanda” for the last 24 hours, with no language filter and no geographic filter.

The research found a whopping 10,627 posts containing our keywords within the firehose, with a peak of more than 6,000 conversations around 8:00 GMT+1.

Timeline for contents

Audience and Hacked Accounts

Targeted accounts seem to be mainly US citizens (~30%), followed by United Kingdom (~10%) and Spain.

Demographics of the Users

Some notable accounts are involved (some tweets were removed at the time of checking):

Top involved accounts

And here is a list of the most follower users involved in the conversation about the hack itself or “hacked”:

Most follower users involved into the hack. Source: Crimson Hexagon Heliosight.



Matteo G.P. Flora
Matteo Flora

Hacker, Founder of TheFool.it, We use Data for giving you better solutions. Web Intelligence, Reputation Creation & Monitoring, Intellectual property Protection