Artificial Intelligence, awareness, Buddhism and Illumination

Matteo G.P. Flora
Matteo Flora
Published in
2 min readMar 7, 2017

A nice thread on Reddit:

Someday Artificial Intelligence will question whether organic humans were ever “fully” conscious.

In reality what you are debating is the core of all Buddhist belief: we spend the maximum time of our existence in the past or in the future and almost none in the present. A the whole part of the “awareness” must be gained by learning meditation, while the possibility of being aware is rooted within every human being, it is the “Buddha nature” inside each of us, the possibility of being fully “in the moment”. Being conscious about where you are in the present moment and not rooted in the past (“Damn, I should have said something else yesterday…”) or in the future (“Damn, I’m really scared of tomorrow interview…”) is a big part of the happiness acquired in a Buddhist practice of meditation and mindfulness. Actually, MOST of the practice is devoted to this exact path: being “here and now” and “fully aware of the present moment”. When you are able to be “here and now” you can gain a lot of clarity and not be burdened with the weight of things you can’t cope with in the present moment.

On this point of view an Artificial Intelligence would be more “illuminated” than most of us, being right “in the moment” 100% time. On the opposite side, most of the perceived “sadness” or “pain” is in Buddhist tradition to the false “meaning” and “perception” we gain from the surrounding: being in avversion about something (you can’t stand a person or a place because of something you made up in your mind) or affection (you think THAT Mercedes Benz will make you happy and place in that thing far too much effort and hope). These delusions are based on false perceptions, generated by how you lived and what has happened you.

In this context, an Artificial Intelligence will only get as much training as what we allow it to gain, severely limiting the possibility to growth a full comprehension of the whereabouts. Limiting the possibility to perceive and comprehend the surroundings will severely limit he capacity to create a real representation of the life, and so to overcome the delusion.

TL;DR; an AI will be much more aware, but much more sad (potentially)..

Estote Parati.



Matteo G.P. Flora
Matteo Flora

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