
Dean Lee
Matteo’s Blogs Y2
2 min readNov 4, 2016

How and what did I learn?

By receiving feedback after my formative presentation I learned that the idea for my application is something that could actually be used within Ravensbourne to improve the “connect” experience that already exists.

What worked and what didn’t?

My application seems to be something that students in Ravensbourne could actually use, so I’m excited to see how it will eventually turn out, hopefully I am able to make something functional that people will find useful.

The wireframes I used were not very detailed, whilst this was purposeful as I hadn’t quite figured out how I wanted everything to look yet, I could have given a bit more detail so that more of a feel for how the app would work could have been given.

Did I reach my goals so far, why or why not?

I was hoping to have the application be a bit more functional by this point but as I was still figuring out my idea that has slowed down my progress, however now that I’ve worked out I want to focus the application around Ravensbourne, specifically — improving the Connect experience, I think my progress will pick up some speed.

How did I feel during the process?

So far I’ve felt good and it’s been quite fun, it’s interesting to design an application as you’re constantly asking questions like..

“is there any point in this app?”

“would anyone use this feature?”

A few of my initial ideas quickly went up in flames as it was clear that while I’d be able to make the application functional, there’s no point in doing that if it’s completely useless.

My app idea: persevere, pivot or panic?

I’d say pivot, I was a bit worried and had some doubts initially as I wasn’t sure if I wanted to make something which would allow anyone to collaborate or something which was focused on Ravensbourne Connect. After the feedback I received from the formative I have a clear path for my idea now and I feel a lot better about being able to finish this project.

