One Door Closes, Another Opens

Published in
3 min readOct 7, 2018

Blog of a vfx artist

This last month has been a roller coaster of emotions… and I hate roller coasters. Feel’s like I’m going to fall out and be shot into space. That feeling of being pulled with no warning; I don’t like that. I would rather jump off a cliff with a partial parachute.

First, to start the month; I was super busy with prepping for Siggraph. At the same time, I was finishing a large scale matte painting for a commercial spot. Do you know how hard it is to make a matte painting when all your resource images are blurred! I spent a lot of time reconstructing images to deliver the work before going to Siggraph. Thankfully a few images from MattePaint really helped with that.

After the work was finished, I traveled to Vancouver to be part of the MattePaint booth. That was the best part of the month for me!

Siggraph = Happiness

Siggraph is a huge industry event where visual effect studios, program companies, schools and students attend shows and conferences. As much as that was super cool to see and be a part of, the best part for me was being at the MattePaint booth with Conrad, Stefan, and Daniel. I’ve been chatting with these guys for almost a year and to finally met them in person. It was honestly a little intimidating! These guys are way more experienced than me with Matte Painting, Compositing and with knowledge of the visual effects industry. I think for anyone to meet their mentors in person, you’re going to be a bit intimidated and shy. Apparently, I was not and we had a blast. We had conversations on a personal level daily. I ate breakfast with Stefan every morning, and we both spent a lot of time around with Conrad and Daniel at the booth. We also got to meet Jeevan and Julian, two incredible concept artists in the industry who hung out at the booth.

Overall it was great to be part of the event and I hope to attend again next year to represent MattePaint. For anyone looking to attend or thinking if they should attend, just do it!

Another fun fact about Siggraph is that studios hold parties after the conference for you to attend and network. Apparently a rumor started that MattePaint was holding some awesome and huge party too! Of course, we didn’t have anything planned but it was hilarious having so many people come up and express their excitement for this non-existent thing.

We did attend as many of the parties as we could though!

Goddamn, why did I get changed! MattePaint represent!

One Door Closes & Another Opens

Its now September and I’m on my last week at Framestore. I was hoping to be extended by Framestore for work either New York or London but things change. At first I felt disappointed, thinking I did a terrible job as an intern. It sucked not being hired on fully and I got stuck in my own mind thinking I failed and that everything I worked for went down the drain.

Thankfully, I’ve been accepted at Make Visuals, so I’ll be starting there very soon. Onward and upward!

Stay Curious, Stay Humble.

Ian V.

