Australia (Trent Parke/ Magnum)


21 kisses all over the world.

Published in
3 min readOct 9, 2014


▲ Denizli, Turkey (Kiana Hayeri)
▲ Idaho (Anne Rearick/Agence VU)
▲ London (Jenny Matthews/Panos)
▲ Beijing (Flore-Ael Surun/Tendance Floue)
▲ Paris (Flore-ael Surun/Tendance Floue)
Iquitos, Peru (Mads Nissen/Panos)
▲ New York City (Elinor Carucci/Institute)
▲ Buenos Aires (Emiliano Granado/Redux)
▲ Little Pamir Plateau, Afghanistan (Matthieu Paley)
▲ New York City (Natan Dvir)
▲ Accra, Ghana (Malin Fezehai)
▲ Rome (Francesco Zizola/Noor)
▲ Rio de Janeiro (Thomas Lekfeldt/Agence VU)
▲ Tel Aviv (Ahikam Seri/Panos)
▲ Guatemala City (Miquel Dewever-Plana/Agence VU)
▲ Brest, France (Mat Jacob/Tendance Floue)
▲ Moscow (Justin Jin/Panos)
▲ Maracay, Venezuela (Natalie Keyssar)
San Francisco (David Axelbank/Gallery Stock)
▲ Copenhagen (Thomas Lekfeldt/Agence VU)
▲ Tavel, France (Meyer/Tendance Floue)

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