You Can Do More When You Combine Mindset with Habit

move from an inclination to a change in behavior

Katie Burkhart
2 min readJul 4, 2022


We like to talk about mindset. The startup community talks about having a growth mindset.

Others say you need an empathy mindset. I’ve also seen a learning mindset and an improvement mindset.

According to my friends Merriam and Webster, mindset can be defined as “a mental attitude or inclination.”

Okay, so having a focused mindset means I have that attitude or inclination. Check.

But…so what?

You exponentially compound your return when you combine a mindset with habits.

After consulting Merriam and Webster again, habit can be defined as “a settled tendency or usual manner of behavior.”

Now you move from being inclined to something to actually doing something. And doing something on a regular basis.

You can help your team form habits by putting the right structure in place.

If you want to take a learning mindset and cultivate corresponding habits, put the structure in place to give your team time to learn.

Consider setting personal learning goals, discussing what you learned in all project assessments, or having a bullet at the weekly check-in to share a failure and what it taught you.

Habit stacking — connecting a new habit to an existing habit — works with structures too. Look at your current structures and determine how you can evolve to accommodate the new habits you want to build.

And if it’s a focused mindset you want to maximize on your team, consider using the structure that MatterLogic™ provides.

Subscribe to get a weekly brief on how to run a purpose-driven business. Delivered to your inbox every Monday morning. Originally published at on July 4, 2022.



Katie Burkhart

Entrepreneur Contributor. Keynote Speaker. Essentialist Thinker. Jargon Slayer. Now writing on Substack at Join me there.