in search of knowledge, of truth

the never ending line

the continuing story of Matt’s journey through life

Matthew Bottomley
matthew bottomley
Published in
5 min readAug 5, 2020


Matt woke up one day standing on the line; the never ending line. He looked left, then right. He knew he couldn’t see either end, he was on the never ending line after all; where you are always in the middle, no matter where you stand.

Matt set off, gaily, moving outward of course, whilst staying in the middle.

It wasn’t long before Matt ran into someone, as he knew he would, he always did. They were stood stock still walking backwards, whilst looking the other way. They couldn’t see Matt, their placard blocked the view, they couldn’t hear Matt either. For all the noise, all that shouting, no one was listening. Matt heard of course, he used both ears:

This is the end of the line!

Revolt-ing, Matt thought as he looked on with appreciation and a little sadness. Matt knew that it was pointless to engage the crowd, herds hear but don’t listen thought Matt.

The flock, steered hither and thither by the shepherd’s crook and the barking wolf, almost like children playing honey pot football, swarming gaily unlike bees. Bees, far to busy for football thought Matt, although maybe the queen?

If only more of us could see the end of that line; that line that had no point, let alone two. Matt thought wistfully, or twist-fully in a spirally kind of light. Laughter flowed…



Matthew Bottomley
matthew bottomley

analyst, strategist, activist, philosopher and poet — a guy, from England, dreaming of humanity.