Featured Poems for 8/27/20

Matthew Spira
Matthew Spira
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2 min readAug 27, 2020
By BartekSzewczyk/Canva.com

I dream
of the young man
I am becoming
of the middle-aged me
falling away.

I peek
into my son’s room
he sleeps
his head turned away
from the worlds he creates
on his computer.

I listen
to my daughter
through her door
yelling excitedly
at her friends
through her Play Station.

I watch
our cats
fighting tangled
among the sheets
on my un-made bed
then intertwined
licking each other’s fur.

I think
of my ex-wife
she forever dances
alone on that dance floor
where I first saw her
until recognizing my friend
she came over to me
the life built in a smile
the promises
when we danced together
somewhere along the way.

I am
we are
the choices we make
folded into each other.

Public Domain

I know why
I keep the family portrait
even though rationally
it’s just a memory
of what will never be again.
When I look at the four of us
smiling into the camera
it allows me to pretend
if just for a moment
I am complete and whole.

If you enjoyed the poems, please check out more of my poetry at Matthew Spira’s Poetry. My first collection, The End of the Rainbow, on sale now. Thank you for reading!



Matthew Spira
Matthew Spira

Middle-aged dude. Combat veteran & single father. Eclectic career. Poet.