Matthew Spira
Matthew Spira
Published in
4 min readMay 20, 2024


Hooker Hill in the Morning — Nathaniel Paluga — Wikimedia Commons


Reflections on Hooker Hill: Choices Unveiled

Explore a deep and poignant conversation between a man and a prostitute, as they discuss life choices and societal judgments. This poem challenges perceptions and invites reflection.

Waking up,
coming to
more precisely.
The prostitute
washed my clothes,
hung them to dry
as I lay passed out.
Gave me water.
Asked me why
I got so drunk.
I asked her
did she dream
as a child
she would be
one of the whores
on Hooker Hill
selling herself
to passing men?
“I’m not the one,”
she answered,
“who doesn’t care
if he wakes up
in some ditch
or not at all.”



Matthew Spira
Matthew Spira

Middle-aged dude. Combat veteran & single father. Eclectic career. Poet.