The Intern

Matthew Marden
MatthewM95 News
3 min readMay 15, 2016


I think this movie is great. Wouldn’t it be great to write a review about a product and that was all you had to put. Okay no the movie is better then great it brilliant one of the best movies I’ve seen in a while and yes I know the movie is not a recent to be honest it came out in september 2015.

I’ve seen a few movies with Robert De Niro in but to be fair they were from one francise meet the fockers and on top of that this is the first movie I think I’ve seen with Anne Hathaway.

The funny thing about this movie is no matter how you are you can still get a job and learn new things. This movie proves that the saying “you can’t teach a old dog brand new tricks” is a lie.

“You can’t teach an old dog brand new tricks”

The reason why I choose this movie was I didn’t have anything to watch after binge watching The Big Bang Theory season 1 to current episode which is 9 season long at this time. Since I first watched it yesterday I’ve seen three times and purchased it on iTunes for £9.99.

The running joke through this movie is he is 70 and an intern. No one is excepting it to happening. Original before I watch a trailer for the movie I thought it was her as the intern and he was the boss. The question “where do you see yourself in 10 years?” and his answer was when i’m 80 the look was priceless. That questions does stump me a lot because you want to tell them you want to be working at the company still but probably a little higher up. When really you know full well you want to be in a different career all together or you have no idea where you want to be you can’t predict the furture.

I wonder how many offices would have enough space to ride a bike in the middle of the office just for a quicker way.

This movie was brilliant I’m annoyed that I didn’t think about giving this movie a looking at when I firsted heard about it. I probably would’ve seen it when it was in the cinema. All I do know is they should make another movie where he is no longer an intern and has his own set of interns. I thought when she was looking at the C.E.O’s I thought he was going to offer himself as an C.E.O and let her run the company and he do all the leg work.

I now need to think what movie or TV series to watch and then review.



Matthew Marden
MatthewM95 News

Movie and food lover - views of anyone else - unless your views are the same - volunteer First Aider St John Ambulance - hamster lover too