A Vote for Matt is a Vote for Me

Matthew's Place
Matthew’s Place
Published in
2 min readAug 6, 2020

featuring Jude

The elections of 2020 will likely be the most important of our lifetime, with repercussions that will directly impact the futures of young people, many of which are not yet old enough to cast a vote. The “A Vote For Matt, Is a Vote For Me” campaign highlights the role we have as educated voters to speak up for the voiceless, advocate for our LGBTQ+ youth and most importantly make our vote count! We do this by inspiring young people who can vote, to register and exercise their rights, while also giving those too young to vote a platform to share their thoughts with adult allies who can, and should, vote on their behalf.

“The ‘A Vote for Matt, is a Vote for Me’ campaign is important because it inspires LGBTQ+ youth to use their voices and stories to help better their futures and communities. It is surely what Matt would be doing if he were here today.”

As the namesake of Colorado’s ‘Jude’s Law,’ 13-year-old transgender
student Jude, testified for four straight years on the bill that now allows
transgender and nonbinary Coloradans of any age to have accurate,
reflective identification documents.

Continuing to use her voice to fight for change, Jude is currently working
with state legislators to pass a similar law at the federal level.

Show your support and promote the ‘A Vote For Matt, Is a Vote For Me’ campaign by using the hashtags #VoteForMatt or #Vote4Matt, posting the ‘Vote For Matt’ logo on Twitter and IG, and updating your Facebook profile with our campaign frame here.



Matthew's Place
Matthew’s Place

MatthewsPlace.com is a program of the Matthew Shepard Foundation| Words by & for LGBTQ+ youth | #EraseHate | Want to submit? Email mpintern@mattheshepard.org