I Have Found the Tik Tok Lesbians & I Will Never be the Same

Matthew's Place
Matthew’s Place
Published in
5 min readMay 6, 2020

by Alyssa Sileo

Last fall semester, I was one of those people who prided themselves on not having downloaded Tik Tok and consequently wasted hours and hours on that app. After all, I had homework to do, rehearsals to go to, and club events to plan.

I’m happy to report that this version of Alyssa is no more. I conduct The Tik Tok Scroll for hours each night, an activity only amplified in time by being in quarantine. And I gotta say, it doesn’t feel like wasted time. Especially when I’m learning cool fun facts from accounts about languages, food, and makeup. And when I’m watching Tik Toks that star some really really really attractive college-aged sapphics.

I’m here to tell you all about the Tik Tok Lesbians, Bisexuals, Pansexuals, and everything in between and outside. They’re young adult sapphics that make Tik Toks about LGBTQ+ jokes, trends and songs. While there are Tik Tok Sapphics of all gender presentations, I need to say that there is most certainly an ever developing “typical look” of these folks, especially those who are masculine-of-center. They wear beanies, snapbacks, sweatshirts, button-up shirts, vans, and sometimes trendy glasses. My little femme heart can’t take it, I’m in love 10 times for every ten minutes I’m scrolling. Feminine-of-center womxn on Tik Tok are unreal as well. Their makeup is perfect and their eyebrows are works of art.

My friend who was into Tik Tok before I was into it told me that the more LGBTQ+ themed Tik Toks I watched, the more gay gals would appear on my feed, thanks to the algorithm. She was right — basically every Tik Tok I come across is sapphic-themed (save the couple of accounts that pop up that are all about quick recipes, travel destinations, or cutting/squishing kinetic sand.)

These Tik Tok Sapphics talk about a variety of things — how they fit into gay gal stereotypes, how they don’t fit into gay gal stereotypes, how often they fall for straight girls, how much they love their girlfriends, how much they want a girlfriend…you name it, there’s a Tik Tok for it!

Thanks to Tik Tok, I’ve been able to learn some fun facts about queer and sapphic history. From a Tik Tok that popped up on my feed, I’ve also found out about the Girls Like Girls game, which I purchased the digital version of and played with my sapphic pals one very fun afternoon. I’ve also been enjoying the content from @moony.maroon, who posts a lot about LGBTQ+ identifier terms, and I’ve recently been educated that stem, stud, and fem (specifically these spellings) are terms that originated in black sapphic communities and are for folks from those communities only, so now I know to make sure I use the term femme when I refer to myself.

It’s also a boost of serotonin whenever I see Tik Tok-ers spending quarantine with their girlfriends — those who they have been living with since before the stay-at-home order, and those who u-hauled together right before it. (That’s the true test of a relationship if there ever was one…)

I’ve actually tried to “shoot my shot” with some really cute gals on the app. My go to line to comment has been “are you accepting girlfriend applications?” It hasn’t gotten anywhere. I’ve actually found out that the person I commented on had a girlfriend already. But that’s alright. I’m used to a little heartbreak.

Sometimes I have the urge to make some Tik Toks of my own and jump in on the trends and challenges, but I don’t have much brain capacity at the moment to figure out the video editing techniques for the app. I have only made one Tik Tok, when I was fueled by inspiration when I realized a pretty cool Easter Egg. I found a Harlem Globetrotter I had taken a selfie with on the boardwalk when she came across on my Tik Tik feed in a dancing video — Crissa Jackson (@crissa.ace)! Well. She was dancing with her wife/girlfriend. That was a little sad. But I’m happy for her! And amazed to think I have a selfie with a pretty well-known Tik Tok-er, and finally know her name.

I’m really not someone to track my followers/viewers when it comes to my social media posts, but it was thrilling to watch the viewer count climb within the hours of posting my Tik Tok. I thought I was gonna become famous. As of now it’s had approximately 300 views which isn’t a lot at all for the more popular lesbians, but I was happy to know 300 folks now know my story of how I fell for Crissa on the boardwalk.

Digital communities are super important for queer folks in a variety of circumstances. While I’m away from school and not living in my feminist housing, it’s nice to be on Tik Tok and engage with content that’s all about the queer inside jokes that never get old. I’m grateful for the education, laughs, and fan-personing with my friends over the Tik Tok-ers we have crushes on.

Sometimes I feel like I should purchase and wear the clothing that’s becoming quintessential for a young lesbian. But then I see the variety of folks I follow with their variety of fashions and I realize that I’m perfectly gay the way I am. Plus, I’ve tried wearing beanies, and it just doesn’t work with my face shape.

Once quarantine is over, I wish Tik Tok Sapphics the best times of their lives: meetups with their fans, trips to the Doc Martens store, and the chances to fly thousands of miles to see a chick they met on the app (“it’s only a four and a half hour flight!”). I look forward to sitting back at 2am each night and watching all of it happen.

About the Author:

Alyssa Sileo’s Thespian identity comes first and foremost in anything she carries out. As a member of the Drew University Class of 2022, she studies theatre arts, women’s and gender studies, and Spanish. She’s a proud NJ Thespian Alumni and member of their state chapter board. She is the leader of the international performances network The Laramie Project Project, which unites worldwide productions and readings of the acclaimed Tectonic Theater Project play and encourages community-based LGBTQ+ advocacy. Alyssa is humbled to serve as the 2017 Spirit of Matthew Award winner and as a Youth Ambassador for Matthew Shepard Foundation. She believes there is an advocacy platform tucked into every piece of the theatre catalogue and intends to write outreach into the canon.



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Matthew’s Place

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