Laser Webber: What I Know Now

Matthew's Place
Matthew’s Place
Published in
2 min readJul 20, 2023

By Laser Webber


Name and Pronouns: Laser He/Him

What you wanted to be when you were a teenager: Novelist

What you do now: Theater creator, musician

What you’re most proud of: I get to make art about trans-ness and perform it in front of people of all genders and experiences. I get to inform and provide catharsis — something that was (and is!) so valuable for my own journey.

3 words that describe your teenage self: Scared, uncomfortable, charismatic

3 words that describe you now: Cheerful, creative, confused

What you would tell your teenage self: Examine the things you think are real. There is so much more in the world than you even know!

What you wish you knew about coming out that you know now: The journey isn’t linear, and the “words” aren’t the important part. Explore, discover, try things out. What’s important is feeling comfortable with yourself and the people you love.

What you wish you could have done differently as a teenager: I wish I’d cared less about what people thought of me, and explored myself and my identity more. I was very self-conscious, but I was a kid! It’s ok to make mistakes when you’re a kid!

What you love most about being a part of the LGBTQ+ community: Being queer is all about realizing that rules are fake. So we get to do things that nobody else does — mess around with our identities, enjoy the world in all new ways. I love my friends.

Person you most admire: Elliot Page is doing bold and exciting work redefining masculinity for a wide audience.

If you could change one thing about the world, you would: Make people fight less online. There is so much serotonin that comes from online interaction, but none of it is healthy or real. Get offline, and remember that we are all actually humans!

What inspires you now: Queer youth, live performance, experimental theater and music!



Matthew's Place
Matthew’s Place is a program of the Matthew Shepard Foundation| Words by & for LGBTQ+ youth | #EraseHate | Want to submit? Email