WHAT I KNOW NOW: Adam Sass, Queer Author

Matthew's Place
Matthew’s Place
Published in
3 min readJul 17, 2022

Adam Sass began writing books in Sharpie on the backs of Starbucks pastry bags. (He’s sorry it distracted him from making your latte.) His award-winning debut, SURRENDER YOU SONS, was featured in Teen Vogue and the Savage Lovecast and was named a best book of 2020 by Kirkus. THE 99 BOYFRIENDS OF MICAH SUMMERS is his forthcoming novel from Viking. He lives in Los Angeles with his husband and dachshunds.

Name: Adam Sass

Hometown: Forreston, IL

Where you live now: West Hollywood, CA

What you wanted to be when you were a teenager: Something creative — but mainly, I was focused on screenwriting and comedic performing.

What you do now: I write books that center queer teens — comedies, dramas, horror stories, thrillers — anything where young queers get to be in the driver’s seat!

What you’re most proud of: Getting my debut novel, SURRENDER YOUR SONS, published. I had over 110 rejections before it found the right home, but I’m so glad I stuck it out!

3 words that describe your teenage self: Thoughtful, anxious, blossoming

3 words that describe you now: Funny, outgoing, resourceful

What you would tell your teenage self: That leaving home to go to school in LA works out better than we could’ve ever imagined

What you wish you knew about coming out that you know now: I don’t know if I know anything different — only a greater understanding of just how traumatizing the closet was — but if I could do anything different, it would be to come out earlier, if only to myself. I was 19 before I could even admit what I was to myself, and that incongruity hurt me. I wish I’d been bolder at understanding myself. Maybe that would’ve led me to exploring queer spaces on my own, maybe even meeting another boy in my high school years. I wanted a romance so badly, but it was my junior year of college before it ever happened. Part of why I write queer YA stories is so that I can experience the out teenage life I never got to live. My books and characters are my own little multiverse. It’s been very therapeutic.

What you love most about being a part of the LGBTQ+ community: Being part of this community has given me a deeper understanding of how many other people live that maybe I wouldn’t have gotten otherwise. If I wasn’t queer, I’d never know my friends, who are some of the funniest, most beautiful souls I’ve ever met. And by being queer, my family got the opportunity to love more unconditionally than parents of straights do. Families of queers get put to the test — a test far too many of them fail. But through this growth, our families get to become more compassionate, loving people to everyone.

Person you most admire: My best friend, Terry. He’s a queer writer like me, and he’s gone through Hell in his life. Knowing Terry isn’t just about laughs and support (although there are plenty), I get pushed to overcome obstacles I thought would sink me. I’m a better person knowing him.

If you could change one thing about the world, you would: Very hard to say what the solution to our world’s problems are. But, if I’m picking one thing, I choose to get rid of that filibuster that’s holding up so much positive change we all desperately need.

What inspires you now: My husband, Michael. When I get into ruts or get overwhelmed by daily life/news/work/etc, Michael knows exactly how to snap me out of it and keep me moving on the right track. We all need that person — a partner, a friend, a parent — who knows our tricks and how to override them to keep us going in a positive direction.



Matthew's Place
Matthew’s Place

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