Thoughts for the Class of 2016

I haven’t been a graduate for very long, but I’ve learned a few tips along the way.

Matt Muller
1 min readMay 14, 2016


  1. Work is just one long group project. The difference now is that you can’t persuade a professor to adjust your grade because someone else in the group didn’t pull their weight.
  2. Life is too short to have a job you hate.
  3. All other things being equal, relationships provide better opportunities for success than resumes. Never pass up the chance to get to know someone who’s doing something interesting, even if it doesn’t directly relate to your career.
  4. You can learn a ton from folks that are older than you. Also, get a mentor.
  5. Memorable experiences are infinitely better than stuff. The next 10 years are when you’ll have both the money AND the time to explore the world, so go do it.
  6. Honest, respectful communication with your boss and coworkers should lead to positive results. If it doesn’t, see point 2.
  7. Automatic bill payment is a lifesaver.
  8. Don’t drink alcohol that comes in a plastic jug if you’re older than 24. On a related note, 2-day hangovers are a thing.
  9. Pay it forward. Donate to charity. Donate to your college. Donate your time. Giving is actually a lot of fun.
  10. Ask not, and ye shall receive not. You’d be surprised how many things are negotiable if you’re not a dick about it.

Obviously none of this is universal, but hopefully it’s not the worst advice you’ve ever heard. Welcome to the real world! We’re glad you’re here.

