Introducing the MATTR Platform

Luke McIntyre
Published in
3 min readSep 16, 2020

Here at MATTR, we have been hard at work building a suite of products to serve the next generation of digital trust. We’ve designed our products based on a few key principles: extensible data formats, secure authentication protocols, a rigorous semantic data model, industry-standard cryptography, and the use of drivers and extensions to allow modular and configurable use of the platform over time. By combining our core capabilities with extensions and drivers, our platform offers developers convenience without compromising flexibility or choice.

The MATTR Platform delivers digital trust in a scalable manner. Our belief is that a modular security architecture is one which can work across many different contexts. When it comes to trust, context is everything, and we know our users each have their own unique requirements and expectations when it comes to their digital interactions.

We provide flexible and configurable building blocks for trust on the web in order to create a digital ecosystem that can support global scale.

The platform consists of 3 main components:

  • Platform Core
  • Platform Extensions
  • Platform Drivers

Our platform provides the capabilities needed for digital trust through a set of modular and flexible building blocks known as our Platform Core. This includes the ability to establish and use DIDs, sign and encrypt messages, manage the verifiable credentials lifecycle, and share privacy-preserving verifiable presentations. Platform Core is designed as a set of simple APIs that are available for all of our users, with operational tools and documentation.

We’ve designed the platform to have cryptographic agility and flexibility built in at a fundamental level. Platform Drivers are pre-configured integrations that allow our capabilities to be pluggable and extensible over time, preventing vendor lock-in and enabling user choice. They identify key areas where flexibility, choice, and optionality are desirable and surface them to the user to promote more resilient security architectures for the future. They are typically surfaced to the user as pluggable parameters in our Platform Core.

Extensibility is a key component of our platform architecture. Platform Extensions are higher level capabilities that plug in to our platform, providing convenient and easy-to-access application logic, such as service orchestration and workflow. They are built on top of our Platform Core, allowing users to smoothly onboard and extend our platform as well as enabling MATTR’s digital trust infrastructure to integrate with digital services and protocols that exist outside of our products. They are modular components in terms of logic and configuration, operating independently of Platform Core as an extensible set of APIs.

Finally, we offer a growing number of Developer Tools to simplify the user experience by providing additional interfaces and ways to interact with our platform. These tools are free and mostly optional to use, though they do simplify setting up the infrastructure needed to get started experimenting with the platform. Some tools, like some of the features exposed by MATTR’s Mobile Wallet, may be required to use certain features of the platform. Our Developer Tools are designed to work natively with Platform Core as well as our Platform Extensions.

Over the past 6 months, we have been working in close collaboration with a number of preview customers to create a great developer experience and identify features that are important for a wide variety of use cases. We’ve been working with partners from industry and government to make sure we’ve built a solution for the problems that matter to you.

Checkout MATTR Learn to find out more about our platform, view our API documentation, and follow our tutorials to start using the platform today.

