Our Friend Beemo!

Diane Delava
2 min readJun 25, 2019


Did you ever wake up one morning and realize you’re nowhere close to achieving any of the goals on your glorious bucket list? We’ve all been there. Some of us choose to suppress that sudden wave of panic and move on. But some of us proceed to do the right thing — think about our constraints and how to resolve them.

Financial constraints are almost always the problem. Financial planning may be one of the most challenging processes we engage in during our lifetime. Often not knowing where to start, we wish to seek help. However, many of us are intimidated by financial experts and their complex financial jargon and refrain from approaching them. We obviously don’t want to feel stupid or overwhelmed. Instead, we turn to friends or family who we think would sympathize and perhaps even relate to our lack of financial awareness, for financial advice. But these people in our lives might be just as clueless as we are.

This dilemma is the reason we, at Mattrvest, created Beemo. Beemo is a chatbot meant for people of all levels of financial awareness and involvement. We are designing Beemo with the ability to have very human like, friendly, and personalized conversations with our users. Each user can control the pace of their own financial journey. Whether you’re a finance newbie or someone who has dabbled in finance for a while, Beemo can increase your knowledge and ease of use of financial concepts through various trivia questions and tips. Beemo will also be able to answer an extensive list of frequently asked questions posed by both group types.

Our vision for Beemo doesn’t end here. We recognize that the needs of our users are subject to growth and change, and we will strive to keep up and grow with them. We sincerely hope that Beemo can help our users achieve the balance they are currently struggling to find; Beemo can offer the financial expertise they seek, but by reaching out and walking with them by their side like a friend who genuinely cares. Our greatest hope is that our users’ satisfaction with the progress in their financial journeys blossoms into a financially healthy and sustainable future for us all.

