10 Thoughts | Day 12

Matt Blank
Learning Machine
Published in
2 min readAug 1, 2017

The Game Of My Life

What would my life look like if I were to gamify it?

1 | Exercise
I created a leaderboard for my friends to compete on exercise to prove that a short Jewish kid could win a fitness competition

2 | Tickets
Ticket prices have gotten really freaking expensive, and access to tickets should be democratized for the biggest fans rather than the fans with the biggest paychecks

3 | Fandom
I consider myself a humongous Caps fan, but there’s no way for me to objectively say that I’m a bigger fan than anyone else…until now.

4 | Work
Time was treated as a vanity metric in my last job, but employees should be rewarded for the amount of work they can get done per hour rather than the number of hours they work

5 | Sleep
…this would have also come in clutch during my time as a consultant

6 | Water
I started drinking 10 cups of water per day and it’s had a profound impact on my life, so why not turn it into a friendly competition?

7 | Cooking
My biggest life goal is now to be a black belt grill master

8 | Cleaning
I’d enjoy folding laundry so much more if there were a points system in place for Konmari-ing my apartment

9 | Discovery
I love being the first person in my friend group to discover a new app or cool brand, so it would be cool to have a platform that formally recognizes discoverers

10 | Failure
The more I take risks and fail the more I’ll succeed in a major way



Matt Blank
Learning Machine

Teaching entrepreneurs to code their own products @ likeiamfive.com, studying @ Harvard Business School