How to use a Vision Board for Daily Self-Improvement

Envision the life you want, and go out there and get it!

MLinda Writes


Inspired by Maturity Inc’s challenge: Create a vision board! WEEK #18 FEEL GOOD FRIDAY

Have you ever imagined singing or hanging out with Rihanna on the beach?

Thanks to my vision board, I have imagined these things and even dreamed of it all!

Yup! I carried Bad Gyal RiRi’s firstborn son, RZA, in my arms, running up and down the beach and playing together. Asap was there too! (I must start writing these down for all of you, hahaha).

It’s so easy to make; you can use anything to create your vision board, even writing.

Vision boards are powerful because they influence you to make better choices. They help to keep you motivated, turn to your goals, and even help you to align yourself.

A collection of images representing goals, dreams, and aspirations starts the day off very positively for those seeking or awaiting new opportunities in life.

My vision board represents me and how I see myself and want to see myself.

I aspire to have in abundance:

Continued good health, wellness, yoga, balance, family life, marriage, trusting relationships, relaxation, humor, and my undying thirst for knowledge. (Patiently awaiting my prince Naveen lol!)

Image created by the author using Canva

Below are a few ways I’ve noticed that a vision board helps motivate me to realize my dreams. So far, I’m soaring!

1.) Boost self-reflection and increase self-awareness.

Having visual reminders helps to boost self-reflection and increase self-awareness by constantly showing you what you should be doing. For example, I am a person who is terrible at drinking water; I’ll admit it. However, when I look at the vision board and see the woman drinking the water, I remind myself to hydrate.

2.) Clarify your goals while motivating and inspiring

It’s nice to have a clarification on what inspires and motivates you. As a singer, I sometimes find myself in a funk; I find inspiration everywhere. Especially Erykah Badu. Her voice is amazing!

3.) Reduce stress while gaining greater perspectives

When I think of a life of no stress, I think of the beach. It’s one of the scariest places, and many people have sadly lost their lives in the ocean, but like Moana, it calls me. I have an ocean-themed bedroom because I love to relax in a setting where I feel happy. The beach!

I hope your vision board aligns you with who you wanna be and that you can let your creativity shine while inspiring others.

Envision the life you want, and go out there and get it! Discover your personal legend today!

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Image created by the author using Canva

~Marlenny Linda writes, free yourself 💚

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MLinda Writes

I am a self-improvement blogger who helps moms and families of children with disabilities improve their lives with creative techniques.