The Power of Forgiveness: Healing and Growth

My son's father sends me letters from prison, and I’m comfortable with it.

MLinda Writes


Matthew 6:14–15“For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”

Grand rising, everyone!

As you know, I like to say grand rising instead of good morning because mourning is what we do when someone dies.

In a way, I felt like someone died for me a long time ago. However, some letters I received in the mail revived that feeling.

Powerful emotions have overtaken me because of words in a letter. My sons fathers emotional apology broke me down to tears.

We met when I was 21. We were always drinking and celebrating, making music together (safely), but it made a wall for us; we were strangers in love.

Both being sober and aware is a beautiful thing. Sadly, it had to come to this conclusion. My life improved, but my son's father took a drastic turn.

One night in Virginia Beach, he was drinking and driving, and because of this, unfortunately, someone paid the price and lost their life.

The way I feel, yes, I’m confused, angry bird 2 how long I felt angry. Five years is a long time.

I had good reason to be angry after everything he’d done to my credit (lawyers had to help me, thanks, Mom), and not to mention kidnapping our son when he was three years old for one month was torture.

The art of forgiveness is a powerful thing. As I grew closer to The Most High spiritually, my heart started to open up to accept that what is done is done.

I prayed for the victim and their family. It was shocking to see what had become of him after he took off to run a business in Virginia when our son was four years old.

Everything went wrong for him, and it saddens me because I tried to help him when we were together. It felt good to do the only thing I know is right. I forgave him after everything he did to me.

Writing him a letter expressing everything felt so good because I needed to get all that off my chest. Our son recently visited him what does grandmother, and they had a very heartfelt connection.

Writing letters about everything improved the situation. My son and I write him together and mail off our letters twice a month on Sundays.

I hope to one day get the courage to speak to him by phone. Possibly even visiting him one day.

To wrap this up!

For now, my son is happy with my communication with his father, which means the world to me. I feel grateful to have a friendship with my son’s father, who is in prison.

You can take the first step to forgive someone today. Moving forward and forgiving someone who has hurt you unintentionally is crucial.

His grandmother and I have a wonderful relationship, too. Many people look at me oddly when I tell them this, but I feel good knowing I can sleep at night and move forward.

Who do you need to forgive?

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~Marlenny Linda writes, free yourself 💚

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MLinda Writes

Hello friends! I am a content writer with expertise in Parenting a child with medical conditions. I find creative solutions to everyday parenting problems.