The Mid-Atlantic Union: 10 Years and Beyond

Stephen Nguyen
MAUVSA Momentum
Published in
16 min readFeb 8, 2017


Crysta Tran, MAUVSA’s current President, asked me to give her a quick overview of MAUVSA’s history, to which I optimistically replied, “Sure!” What follows is an overview of MAUVSA’s conception and development, divided by year and grouped by season to showcase all notable events in MAUVSA history.

MAUVSA’s history is scattered across many mediums: Wordpress, Facebook, Instagram, memory cards, cell phones, and hard drives. As it becomes easier than ever to create memories, it gets harder and harder to look back.

-Stephen Nguyen

2006 — Fall “The Beginning”

  • While searching for a better philanthropy for his own VSA to fundraise for in late August, Stephen Nguyen stumbles upon UVSA SoCal and UNAVSA on the internet. Kevin DC Nguyen and Stephen Nguyen then setup an AIM chat room joined by several curious leaders from other VSAs in the Mid-Atlantic region. Most notably in attendance was UVA VSA’s president Regina Mai Nguyen.

“Prior to this meeting interaction between our VSAs was informal infrequent and for most purposes competitive. The VSAs had a higher rate of turnover and failure and rebuilding cycles in which leadership would leave or a VSA would go dormant only to be picked up from square one by the next leader. MAUVSA changed the environment into one of continual growth of our VSAs as well as individuals leaders. — Stephen Nguyen

  • October 14, 2006 — The first summit meeting of the VSA presidents and leaders at VCU. UNAVSA executives flew down to facilitate early brainstorming and organization within our region. Everyone’s first impression was, “What are we doing here?”

History: On September 26, 2006, Facebook was from exclusively to universities to the general public facilitating easier communication and awareness.

“Facebook in my opinion served as the medium on which our community was able to accelerate our growth and communication much faster than any previous generation had before.” — Stephen Nguyen

UNAVSA Executives Hai Ton and Minh Nguyen (and Aileen Pham, not pictured) flew to our first meeting to help facilitate our first meeting and to show solidarity.

Later that fall:

  • MAUVSA continues to hold monthly summits at different schools to establish our constitution and continue building connections between schools

2007 — Spring

  • Kim Vu and Stephen Nguyen volunteer to represent the Mid-Atlantic Region to UNAVSA as Co-CoRR (Council of Regional Representatives)
  • MAUVSA constitutional summits continue
  • This spring saw a large uptick in friendly Culture Show visits and invitations from across the universities.
  • MAUVSA constitutional summits continue(revising mission, structure, and networking)
  • VCU hosts a regional Charity Ball to celebrate early collaboration and to collectively fundraise for the CPP Beneficiary, The Catalyst Foundation. $7,000 was raised.

Note: This was the precursor to MAUVSA Advance Conference MAC which would not happen for another 4 years)

UNAVSA’s first Mid-Atlantic Co-CoRR representatives |
At the VCU Charity Ball, where MAUVSA later wrote in the amount fundraised.

2007 — Summer “MAUVSA Established”

  • July 21, 2007 Constitution officially ratified by the standing VSA presidents at the time.
  • ELECTION: First MAUVSA Eboard is elected.

President Mai Nguyen, Internal Vice President Linda Ha, External Vice President Pha-Le Le, Treasurer Long Nguyen, Secretary Julie Ha

  • July 26–29, 2007 MAUVSA delegation and board travels to UNAVSA in New Orleans for the first time as a new region.
Lan-Anh (Anhnie) Nguyen would go on to be elected as MAUVSA External Vice President and later UNAVSA External Vice President and UNAVSA President. Stephen Nguyen and Tuan Duong would go on to be elected MAUVSA Presidents.

2007— Fall “Our mission is set, Lion is ready to roar”

October 21, 2007 summit. The biggest debates were the clarification of MAUVSA’s mission statement and design of our organization’s logo.

Mission Statement:

MAUVSA seeks to unify the Vietnamese American community, facilitate communication and cooperation among the various schools, empower and develop young leaders, foster cultural awareness and education, and promote social justice.

October 21, 2007 summit at VCU. The biggest debates were the clarification of MAUVSA’s mission statement.

MAUVSA votes on it’s first official logo, designed by Julie Ha (now Mrs. Julie Shek)

Designed by Julie Ha (Now Mrs. Julie Shek)

Special note: The lion came from the mispronunciation of our name as MAUVASA which sounded like Mufasa from the Lion King. However, the lion is also a symbol of strength and pride, and a pack of lions is called a pride. This logo choice was tongue in cheek and was met with some eye rolling until a logo re-election was held in 2011. [See 2011 section for logo update]

2008 — Spring

MAUVSA holds first 1 day regional retreat for all VSA members in the region at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (VT)

Note: This was the precursor to MAUVSA Advance Conference (MAC) which would not happen for another 4 years)

Stretch exercises at MAUVSA’s first Members Retreat
Summit at GWU. Picture taken by Linda Ha.
  • April 4th-5th — VASCON4, Planting Seeds, hosted at Georgetown University in Washington D.C

2008 — Summer

Stock Market Crash of 2008 throws US economy in turmoil. Housing prices implode and jobless rates increase dramatically.

  • MAUVSA holds 1st Charity Ball on June 7, 2008 in Maryland to support of UNAVSA’s CPP’s, VOICE
President Long Nguyen, Internal Vice President Stephen Nguyen, External Vice President Anhnie Nguyen, Treasurer Nam Nguyen, Secretary Hoainam Nguyen, Historian Sandra Vuong, Alumni Association Chair Diana Nguyen
  • ELECTION: 2nd MAUVSA Executive board elected

President Long Nguyen, Internal Vice President Stephen Nguyen, External Vice President Anhnie Nguyen, Treasurer Nam Nguyen, Secretary Hoainam Nguyen, Historian Sandra Vuong, Alumni Association Chair Diana Nguyen

2008 — Fall

Barack Obama is Elected President of the United States of America. Obama won 52.9 percent of the popular vote to McCain’s 45.7 percent.

Monthly summits continue

What is a Monthly Leadership Summit?

The primary activity for MAUVSA is a series of monthly leadership summits. Each summit provides the opportunity for students to exchange information, establish relationships, evaluate activities, and coordinate programs at the campus level. The summit series also provides a forum for student leaders to discuss common organizational challenges such as membership recruitment, membership retention, conflict resolution, and project management.

2009 — Spring

MAUVSA’s 2nd Annual Members Retreat hosted at Virginia Commonwealth University in January 2009.

MAUVSA’s 2nd Annual Retreat hosted at Virginia Commonwealth University

ELECTION: 3rd MAUVSA executive board election.

President Long Nguyen, Internal Vice President Nam Nguyen, External Vice President Anhnie Nguyen, Alumni Association Chair Hoainam Nguyen

2009 — Summer

  • ELECTION: 3rd MAUVSA Executive board Long Nguyen elected President

President Long Nguyen, Internal Vice President Nam Nguyen, External Vice President Lan-Anh Nguyen, Treasurer unfilled, Secretary unfilled ,Alumni Association Chair Hoainam Nguyen

2009 — Fall

Monthly summits continue

2010— Spring

MAUVSA’s 3rd Annual Retreat hosted at George Mason University

2010 — Summer

  • MAUVSA hosts the 7th Annual UNAVSA Conference, “Uncommon Power for the Common Voice” from July 29-August 1, 2010 in Crystal City, Arlington, VA.

This conference is notable for having the record for the most registrants and attendees to date (2016).

  • Long Nguyen and Anhnie Nguyen become the first member of MAUVSA elected to UNAVSA’s Board
  • ELECTION: 4th MAUVSA Executive board elected.

President Nam Nguyen, Internal Vice President My-Ha Moon, External Vice President Stephen Nguyen, Treasurer Christina Duong, Secretary Kathe Tran, Alumni Association Chair Mai Nguyen, Historian Long Nguyen, Webmaster Jason Kuo

2010 — Fall

Monthly summits continue

2011 — Spring

MAUVSA hosts it’s 4th Annual Retreat at University of Virginia

MAUVSA’s 4th Annual Members Retreat hosted at the University of Virginia in January 2011. Photographer unknown.


  • ELECTION: 5th MAUVSA Executive board Stephen Nguyen — President, Tuan Duong — EVP, Vicky Nguyen — IVP(resigned), Tin Nguyen — Treasurer, Michael Ngo — Secretary, Alida Huynh, Christina Duong

President Stephen Nguyen, Internal Vice President Vicky Nguyen(resigned), External Vice President Tuan Duong, Treasurer Tin Nguyen, Secretary Michael Ngo, Alumni Association Christina Duong, Historian unfilled, Webmaster Alida Huynh, Advisors Hoainam Nguyen, Linda Ha Long Nguyen, and Regina Mai Nguyen

Notable Stephen Nguyen speech quote during elections: “Why retreat when we can advance!” This becomes starting point for rebranding and creation of MAUVSA’s Advance Conference (MAC).

  • MAUVSA’s 4th Gala, Letters to our Future ask members to write letters to the future 5 years from now.
  • MAUVSA as a region raised the most funds for UNAVSA’s CPP raising~12,000 dollars for the CPP Beneficiary Blue Dragon’s Children’s Foundation.
  • MAUVSA Attends UNAVSA-8 in Denver, Colorado

This Mailbox full of memories and letters is currently lost. please email MAUVSA if you know of it’s whereabouts

Noteworthy: The late Nguyen Ngoc Bich (above), a renowned community leader who worked closely with MAUVSA in 2011, contributed a video to the Letters to our Future Campaign. He passed in 2016 of a heart attack while in the Philippines speaking on the independence of the South East Asian Seas.

MAUVSA attends UNAVSA-8 in Denver Colorado

2011 — Fall

At a summit hosted at UVA a logo contest was held and a new logo was chosen. Designed by My-Ha Moon the New Logo symboplized the DMV’s crossing highways and issued a star representing the founding schools. It was later revised by Stephen Nguyen.

LEFT — the original design by My-Ha Moon | RIGHT — Later edited by Stephen Nguyen

“MA ALL DAY” T-shirts first printed (special credit to Tuan Duong for designing, printing, and creating these)

MAUVSA increases efforts for external outreach and community building. MAUVSA, in an attempt to strengthen neighboring regions, travels to the Northeast to help host a NEUVSA summit. The primary goal was to provide guidance to help establish an early foundation for the fledgling region.

LEFT: Stephen Nguyen giving a presentation reviewing UNAVSA, MAUVSA, and UVSA structures. RIGHT: MAUVSA CORR Summit at George Washington University 2011
  • Planning begins for MAUVSA’s first multi-day regional leadership retreat, the Advance Conference.
  • Hoainam Nguyen volunteers to serve as the conference’s Executive Director and all leads planning and coordination for the conference
Hoainam Nguyen

2012 — Spring

MAUVSA hosts its inaugural multi-day regional leadership retreat, the MAUVSA Advance Conference, in Columbia, Maryland. The conference theme was “One Vision, One Movement.”

  • MAUVSA’s First Advance Conference I, “One Vision, One Movement”
MAC1 Hype Video produced by Tuan Duong
  • MAUVSA hosts its inaugural multi-day regional leadership retreat, the MAUVSA Advance Conference, in Columbia, Maryland. The conference theme was “One Vision, One Movement.”
  • MAUVSA’s first involvement with the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (WHIAAPI)
  • MAUVSA opens a office in Eden Center for storage and meetings. (Stephen’s note, The office cost us nothing however it was not officially leased by Eden Center, as a result of the loose contract MAUVSA had to close down it’s location in the fall of 2012.

“ “Grand opening, Grand Closing” said Jay-Z… Sigh…It was sweet while it lasted. I still dream a day when we have a central location to store and build our history” — Stephen Nguyen

The Office spawned a series of photos of various members standing in front of the MAUVSA Teal wall which featured MAUVSA’s mission statement. You might recognize some leaders in the collage below.

MAUVSA’s Story Compilation Video produced by Stephen Nguyen

2012 — Summer

  • ELECTION: 6th MAUVSA Executive board 5th MAUVSA Executive board Stephen Nguyen — President, Mary Ta — IVP, Frank Huynh — EVP, William Dang — Secretary.

President Stephen Nguyen, Internal Vice President Mary Ta, External Vice President Frank Hunyh, Treasurer unfilled, Secretary Willy Dang.

2012–2013 MAUVSA Board at MACII
  • MAUVSA 5th Gala, “Passing the Torch to a Brighter Future,” held on June 8, 2012 at Fortune Restaurant in Falls Church, Virginia

2012 — Fall

With 51.1 percent of the popular vote against Mitt Romney, Obama became the first Democratic president since Franklin D. Roosevelt to twice win the majority of the popular vote.

Monthly summits continue

2013— Spring

MAUVSA hosts it’s 2nd Advance Conference MAC II in Fredericksburg, Virginia, Tin Nguyen being the Executive Director.

MAC II Photographs by ©KimPhamClark

ELECTION: 7th MAUVSA Executive board Tuan Duong elected President

President Tuan Duong, Internal Vice President Mai Pham, External Vice President Emily Duong, Treasurer Donna Huynh, Secretary Amber Nguyen, Alumni Association Chair unfilled, Historian Virginia Thai, Webmaster Christina Bui.

This is the first election that was not held at a Summit rather at the Conference itself. Stephen’s note: This change was in an attempt to make sure that elections were more visible to the wider membership and to inspire more general members run. Election participation and involvement had hit a all time low in the summer of 2012. This change was viewed by many as a much more positive step in involvement and participation of our members at large. The previous term would overlap the incoming term to help with passing of information and planning.

MAUVSA narrowly avoided a conference canceling snowstorm this year

2013 — Summer “MAUVSA goes to Camp”

  • MAUVSA’s 6th Gala, rebranded as the Inauguration & Benefit Gala.

This is notable moment in which the new Executive board elected at the Advance Conference months prior actually start their term, hence “inauguration” gala.

inauguration ceremony at MAUVSA’s Gala
  • The First MAUVSA Leadership Camp (MLC1) is held at Summit Lake, Emmitsburg, MD
MAUVSA Presidents since founding pose for a picture. photographer unknown
  • MAUVSA attends UNAVSA 10 in Southern California
group photo at UNAVSA’s 10th conference in Southern California
  • MAUVSA rose to become the 2nd highest contributor to UNAVSA’s CPP “MEMO”
  • GMU VSA raised the most money as a individual VSA for CPP beneficiary “MEMO”
MAUVSA wins 2nd place for funds raised. GMUVSA wins a Medal for raising the most as a individual VSA

2013 — Fall

Monthly summits continue

2014 — Spring

  • MAUVSA’s 3rd Advance Conference (MAC III),”Mapping your Routes,” hosted in Front Royal, Virginia
  • Executive Directors: Crysta Tran & Amber Nguyen
  • ELECTION: 8th MAUVSA Executive board. President Tuan Duong, Internal Vice President Amber Nguyen, External Vice President Christian Nguyen, Secretary Dennis Truong, Treasurer Vinh Ngo (resigned)
MAC III Flyer designed by unknown
Group Photo at MACIII taken by Thao Virginia Thai
Elections at MAC III

2014 — Summer

  • MAUVSA’s 6th Annual Inaugural Gala
Group Photo at MACIII taken by Thao Virginia Thai
Facebook post by Thinh Vu, transplant from the South-East Region attending the Gala
photos credited to Dennis & Christian
photos credited to Dennis & Christian

2014 — Fall

November 29, 2014 — Vietnamese American Appreciation Day and Book Signing

Second Generation Vietnamese Americans: A Comparative Perspective” written by Vy Thuy Nguyen

This book is the third in the series on the Fairfax County Asian American History Project (FCAAHP). It is a collection of stories in print and in pictures of those who were born as American citizens, who share a common Vietnamese ethnic origin, and who primarily grew up or chose to come and live in the Northern Virginia, D.C., and Maryland area

-Vy Thuy Nguyen

Monthly summits continue

2015 — Spring

  • MAUVSA Advance Conference IV
designed by Alice Dang from GW
  • ELECTION: 8th MAUVSA executive board elected. President Amber Nguyen, Internal Vice President Crysta Tran, External Vice President Christian Nguyen, Secretary Dennis Truong, Treasurer Christine Tran (resigned)
  • North Carolina State University joined MAUVSA as the 10th member school on Saturday, March 7th, 2015 during MAUVSA Advance Conference 4.
Pictured on MAUVSA’s Facebook Page


  • MAUVSA attends UNAVSA-12 “Momentum: Ripples of Progress” in Seattle, Washington
“Momentum: Ripples of Progress” — photo credit unknown
  • MAUVSA’s 7th Annual Gala
Photo credit to Tiffany Nguyen

I hold MAUVSA right next to my heart. honored and proud each and every day to have been part of this organization. #maallday — Tuan Duong (fb caption for photo above)


Monthly summits continue

2016 — Spring

ODU VSA joined MAUVSA as the 11th member school on January 30, 2016 at Virginia Polytechnical Institute & State University’s summit.

  • MAUVSA Advance Conference V held February 26–28, 2016 at the Westfields Marriott Conference Center in Chantilly, Virginia\
  • Co-Executive Directors: Tiffany Nguyen & An Ho
designed by Tiffany Tran from VTech
  • ELECTION: 8th MAUVSA Executive board Crysta Tran — President, Dennis Truong — IVP, Daniel Luu — EVP, Tiffany Nguyen — Treasurer, Tina Nguyen — Secretary
Photo Credit Minh Ta
Photo Credit Hung Tran

2016 — Summer

from mauvsa’s instagram account
designed by Tiffany Tran from VTech
  • 4th MAUVSA Leadership Camp (MLC4) [photos]
  • MAUVSA attends UNAVSA’s 13th Conference“Light the Way” in Boston, MA
photo credit Michelle Tran

2016 — Fall

MAUVSA attends Miss Vietnam DC 2015 — a notable Midwest alum, Jessica Phan, wins!

Jessica Phan “Thanks for your support MAUVSA!! Y’all have been a great fam, welcoming me from the Midwest.” [Photo credit to Billy Khuong]

10th Anniversary of first meeting to plan the union.

2017— Spring

MAUVSA Advance Conference VI: Making Waves

February 10February 12 at the Falls Church Marriott Fairview Park

2017 — Summer

10th Anniversary since the establishment and signing of MAUVSA’s constitution.

Special Thanks

Crysta Tran for asking the question that kick-started this post.

Hoainam Nguyen for historical corrections, accuracy, and taking the time to parse through my own historical mis-rememberings of dates. double thanks for double checking this after I had published. (probably triple checked after posting again)

Tiffany Nguyen for filling in the the gaps in the most recent years and providing me with links to photos and more.

Long Nguyen for always taking pictures and being there for the community.

Tuan Duong for supporting the organization, community, and myself as a great friend and brother.

Everyone who made their photos available online and on facebook for me to include.

All the leaders and members who’ve made these last 10 years a absolute joy for our community through smiles and hardwork.

I am only a human with fallible memory. Please email me at if you would like to add, correct, and format this post. (I will give you permission and instructions to directly edit).




Stephen Nguyen
MAUVSA Momentum

I write code, evangelize, and philosophize. Proud Vietnamese American who calls DC, North Virginia, and San Francisco home